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Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:06 am
by logio
I need biographical information relative to this beautiful actress.

Date and birthplace, nationality, activity outside porno... Somebody knows something?



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:33 am
by beutelwolf
She is German, and her name is Schwarz. I have only seen one article about her (and I collect genre magazines), from a Wochenend mag dated 1981, which described her as a model, and (this is from memory) gave her age as 22.

In the old days, German porn actresses were hardly ever written about in German mags, because usually they kept a low profile. In particular, German porn flicks typically contain no (or only faked) acting credits, although sometimes the export versions do.


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:12 am
by logio
I imagined that she is German, although in some sites they say that she is French. She speaks correctly also french, is clear.

Is very strange that is so little information on this actress, although she has played in some important films (the main one, "Les bas de soie noir").


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:16 am
by beutelwolf

> Is very strange that is so little information on this actress,
> although she has played in some important films (the main one,
> "Les bas de soie noir").

In Germany, her main film would probably be "Love for Sale".

It is not that strange if you compare the situation with her German colleagues that appeared first on the scene in the early 1980s: almost all have remained anonymous, Ursula Gaussmann is a rare exception. Take for example XNK0819 or XNK0662: they have fairly long filmographies mostly with titles that were pretty much the top of the crop of German porn back then, and we do not have even have their names, never mind any biographical information.

Re: Christine Black -> more info

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:21 pm
by hopper38
Birth date: 196x ?
Nationality: German

'Christine's real name is Christine Schwarz (German word for black)'
Where she is now: 'living in Germany and working as a computer specialist'
(parafrasing from an 80's "Stern" magazine)

In the majority of her XXX movies, Christine's voice was dubbed. You can however, hear her own -lovely- voice in "Filles de Luxe" (thanks to the live sound, you hear her clearly speaking German)

Re: Christine Black -> more info

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:44 pm
by Herschi

"Stern" and "Wochenend"

These are really much new information of specialists!!
The woman is sensational.
I still could see her films in the movie theatre.

"Filles de Luxe" German Title?
Is there also other actresses in the film?


Re: Christine Black -> more info

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:14 am
by spikey1811
I'm not sure if this title was ever released in germany.Other actresses were Marianne Aubert,Cathy Stewart and Claudia van Statt.