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is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 1:37 pm
by creamy
I just read that it is illegal to buy adult films by mail order - is this true ? - I thought they had relaxed the rules.

If I order by mail order - will the post office open any package that is vid-shaped ? - what is the chance of that happening and will they confiscate my tape ?


Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 2:04 pm
by joe king
porn possession is not illegal
buying porn is a grey area.
R18 can only be sold in licensed sex shops (mainly in London Soho)
Importation is legal (if BBFC guidlines not violated)
Lawyers should know the finer subtleties.

Why should the post open your packages?

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 2:33 pm
by John
I'm finding that over 50% of the ones I'm getting at the moment have been opened in the post.

I'm surprised that the postman can still walk!!
(is that the correct spelling?)

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 2:34 pm
by Ned
"Why should the post open your packages?"

To see if there's anything worth nicking? I've only had two parcels go missing in my life and both contained porn. Go figure!
Swapped videos of archive telly broadcasts in the UK and overseas, but the only things to go are awol were porn.

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 2:37 pm
by John
Never had anything go missing just opened, I assume watched and/or copied, and then resealed and delivered.

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 3:39 pm
by Andrew Jones
ive been trading with 4 people from this group who were all meant to send me tapes and then me send them tapes in return
however all 4 claim to have posted the tapes last tuesday/wednesday by first class post but none have arrived yet.
post office?, postman? them lying to me?
who knows?
also had some problems from yourchoice, their vids being "lost" in the post

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 4:10 pm
by Otis
Thieving gits, posties - when in my last job I used to get sent CDs through the post they were always going missing as well. A friend in Australia sent me a package of 5 (non-dirty) videos recently, in one of those cardboard box-folder things. Of course, when it got here it had been prised open in a way that couldn't possibly have just happened in transit, although all the contents were present and correct.

Mail-order firms should seal packages down with clear tape and sign over the top of it, like when you send registered delivery. Some schmuck in dispatch could do it on every one that went out - it'd look official enough to confuse the posties into thinking twice, maybe.

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 9:08 pm
by woodgnome
i'm certainly not lying to you. if you're having the same feedback from 4 separate correspondents (putting conspiracy theories to one side), i'd say it looks like you've got a rogue postie on your patch! the missing 'your choice' items, add weight to this.

i had an empty jiffy bag posted to me recently, courtesy of the bbc. it was supposed to contain a cd i'd won as a competition prize but somehow it went awol in transit. porn stuff is their favourite though, because they bank on punters being unlikely to make any noise, due to the emabarrasment factor. they're not wrong, either!

Re: is it true

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 9:22 pm
by marillion
I've had about 25% of mine opened

.. and anything from vidshop has simply not arrived

Re: is it true/po box number

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 4:48 am
by NIJ
i totally agree with everyone!!
i have got a po box set up for all my porn post and i have recieved packages from there(vidshop dvd's) which have looked like they have been opend and then re-sealed.
Like u say, coz its porn we the recievers will not complain about it!!
Damn post office!!!!!!!!!!!