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Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 12:57 pm
by Plato
Oh no! Aint ya just sick?

We all need insulating from this guy!! Enough. Enough. Enough

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 3:30 pm
by Phil McC
You need insulating from yourselve, no one makes you go there or makes you sign up I think the free area is as big or bigger than most UK sites but still you will find room for complaint,
I give everyone on this site up to date info on whatever they ask including details of what is on where etc. If you can do better and I am sure with a gob as big as you have, you must, just do it,
Also Alec is there is something wrong on the site cause the complainers/slaggers always want to remain annon but I hope they realise they are not,

Your Devoted Servant,
Phil McC

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 5:13 pm
by alec
I don't know how to solve the anonymous posting problem for trolls. Maybe Phil K does as he's the technical expert. I think it's best to ignore trolls, though if they get persistent we'll delete them.

To the non-constructive critics - what's the point? As Phil McC says, you don't have to visit the sites he advertises or read his posts if you don't want to. If you think there should be more variety in what's posted here then start an interesting discussion yourself.

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 7:04 pm
by liam
Good old? Alec.I did join Phil Mcs site.But I cancelled without any problems at all. Phil and Remington Kay, not to mention Peter Steele do contribute lots of info to this site.I say that those who do do, and those that moan can,sorry no F in welsh.

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 5:44 am
by Remington Steel
I wish you would get the name right Liam. One or the other.
As far as Phil Mac and his postings What do you want? Info or not. If you want to stay as uninformed morans then don't read the postings. Even though we are mates I still like to know what the old letch is up to!

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 5:48 am
by Remington Steel
Just followed the link in Plato's posting. Joke I think? Have a look

Re: Not more Phil Mac

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 6:23 am
by Phil McC
What a dick I am I never noticed the pun, I have advised they company a couple of years ago about my name etc,
Well spotted who is Plato...please step forward for a freebie.......
Phil McC