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L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:56 pm
by snirogg
I'm looking for " l'education d'ophelia " with catherine ringer ; thanks

Re: L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:13 pm
by mark shanon
How much do you think would earn an original secam vhs of the video?

Re: L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:58 am
by snirogg
what's your price ?

Re: L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:13 am
by mark shanon
Nothing. I just made a question as nobody seems to have this video.

Re: L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:02 pm
by frenchlover
I had it once and still may have it somewhere in my mess where I let it rot....
The problem is that it was a very poor quality copy. The tape was damaged in the area of the "fuck in the ass then piss in the mouth" scene with Catherine Ringer and JPA.
I would really like to find a good copy of this film

Re: small history of alternative title

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:57 pm
by boa
Attn of Snirogg and Frenchlover :
L'EDUCATION D'OPHELIE directed by Michel Ricaud starring JPA, and also C.R. was re-released also under the title EDUCATION ANGLAISE by Laura vid?o for some time. It created a case of suying because EDUCATION ANGLAISE was the French visa title of a feature shot on print erotic movie directed by Jean-Claude Roy : he won the case against Laura in my memory.
He could not lost anyway because his visa title was previous and duly registered at C.N.C. (Centre National du Cin?ma) which is the official administration about registering since R?gime de Vichy of the Second World War, and still here by now !
For example, you cannot shoot a movie unless a file is granted by C.N.C. - if you shoot without doing it, you will not be able to legally have it distributed on French screen. Incredible but true. Of course, about porno, some dared to do it around the eighties... and video did not need visa : so video was a free territory at all point of view...
Let us come back to our sheeps, as we say in French : I have the Laura vid?o, by the way... and content is of course exactly the same.... including the famous scene anal + piss between JPA and C.R.

Re: L'education d'Orph?lie

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:05 am
by boa
Besides, the real original title of this Ricaud movie is L'EDUCATION D'ORPHELIE and not "Ophelia".

Re: small history of alternative title

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:55 pm
by snirogg
Please e-mail me.

(Post altered by moderator - see FAQ 3.4.)

Re: small history of alternative title

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:00 pm
by marull
Hello boa, I started a search for the film a while ago (11-24-03 23:42 / Thread is called simply Catherine Ringer).
I looked everywhere for the film, but there was not a chance.
If you are willing to trade or simply make a chrismas present !xmas! to a collector or something else, please contact me.

Kind regards


Re: L'education d'ophelia

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:53 pm
by boa
A good copie ? It will be difficult. This movie belongs to golden age of "shot on vid?o" and was made in 1981 or 1982. So VHS are from that time and we are in 2005. It was not shot in BETACAM standard which did not exist at that time, moreover.
So any VHS of this movie will be - unfortunately - quite average.
But I suppose that it is better than nothing as long as image is visible, even poor one, and direct sound (it was direct sound) audible.