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your choice

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2001 12:51 pm
by vfm
Great customer service/delivery- yes
Limited selection- yes
High prices- what do you think ?

I'm not comparing their product with pirated product here.
One standout example from their latest cat.-"When Rocco Meats
Kelly 2"
Your Choice video ?27.50
American DVD (note DVD) $23 (approx ?15 or so)- This is from
a major US supplier.
Even allowing for postage from US it's one hell of a difference.

Re: your choice

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2001 2:14 pm
by Matt
American stuff costs more in the mainstream, so I think the price is pretty fairly reflected in porn.

Besides which, I don't mind paying a few quid extra if I KNOW the delivery will happen. In the same respect, maybe Vidshop should charge slightly less as their delivery is less then full proof


(Sorry, couldn't resist that one, Rich/Dave/Barry)

Re: your choice

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2001 3:09 pm
by pasta
I agree the prices are high - but then I don't want to debate the finer points of the BBFC guidelines with some Customs git who happens to check out a parcel sent from abroad.
Having said that, many people do seem to order successfully from the states.
The price could be a special - also, from a major supplier they can get discounts from wholesalers due to bulk buying.

Also, Your Choice offer a multiple discount - order 5 or more tapes and they are ?100 for 5, ?19.50 each thereafter.
I think you will find the price difference is more marked if you compare like for like on DVDs - Your Choice are EVEN MORE expensive.

What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have been poor, but then they always take your complaints seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?

Re: your choice (tape quality)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2001 3:17 pm
by majorclanger
pasta wrote:
> What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice
> copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home
> taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have
> been poor, but then they always take your complaints
> seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?

Well, they could try getting it right 1st time !
There really is no excuse for poor quality copies when they're
not pirated.