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Anita Dark

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:55 pm
by Texxx
Offertes ? tout 7: Fantasmes ? l'Est (1995)
was released in Italy as Come lei cos? son tutte
directed by Christophe Clark (except "L?Auto stimulant" episode by Marc Paris)

Anita Blond as Anika (!)
Anita Dark
Monica Orsini as Monika
Olga Pechova as Olga NOT this Olga (check out the other titles listed)


Une femme sans retenue is Senza ritegno by Alex M. Dry

in the cast add Nathalie Levi

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:51 pm
by Walter Burns
Texxx wrote:

> Offertes
> ? tout 7: Fantasmes ? l'Est
> was released in Italy as Come lei cos? son tutte
> directed by Christophe Clark (except "L?Auto stimulant"
> episode by Marc Paris)
> Anita Blond as Anika (!)
> Anita Dark
> Gabriella
> Karina
> Monica Orsini as Monika
> Olga
> Pechova
as Olga NOT
> this
> Olga (check out the other titles listed)

I don't have Gabriella, but I am sure that Elisabeth King is this video.

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:04 pm
by alec
Thanks. The only way to check the other titles is to see them or get information from someone who has. One or the other will probably happen eventually.

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:03 am
by Texxx
Walter Burns wrote:

> Texxx wrote:
> >
> Offertes
> > ? tout 7: Fantasmes ? l'Est
> > was released in Italy as Come lei cos? son tutte
> > directed by Christophe Clark (except "L?Auto stimulant"
> > episode by Marc Paris)
> >
> > Anita Blond as Anika (!)
> > Anita Dark
> > Gabriella
> > Karina
> > Monica Orsini as Monika
> >
> Olga
> > Pechova
as Olga NOT
> >
> this
> > Olga (check out the other titles listed)

> I don't have Gabriella, but I am sure that Elisabeth King is
> this video.

you're right; i forgot King

Anita Blond as Anika (!)
Anita Dark
Elizabeth King as Gabriela
Monica Orsini as Monika

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:36 pm
by Takezho
Here you go:

1. L'auto stimulant (dir. Marc Paris)
Katia (credited as Karina), David Perry
2. L'amateur de peinture
Anita Dark, Jolth Walton, Christophe Clark
3. Une femme ? tout faire
Monica Orsini, Christophe Clark
4. Photos amateurs
Elizabeth King, Christophe Clark
5. Une femme pour deux
Olga Pechova, Christophe Clark, Mike Foster, a guy
6. Rendez-vous surprise
Anita Dark, Anita Blonde, Christophe Clark

A last word about Katia, she is a french actress and Katia is the name she used when she worked for Private:
Private Video Magazine 23, scene 2 - Excalibur Hotel
Triple X 05 (paper magazine), The curse of Kala Nui
Private Magazine 129 (paper mag.), Grand hotel

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:30 pm
by alec
Thanks a lot. That's very useful.

But I think Texxx meant that I should check Olga's other titles, that is Offertes ? tout 6: Fantasmes and Perversions en h?ritage to see if they should really be listed under Olga Pechova. At least that's what I meant. Have you, or anyone else, seen those two films?

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:43 pm
by Walter Burns
Takezho wrote:

> A last word about Katia, she is a french actress and Katia is
> the name she used when she worked for Private:
> Private Video Magazine 23, scene 2 - Excalibur Hotel
> Triple X 05 (paper magazine), The curse of Kala Nui
> Private Magazine 129 (paper mag.), Grand hotel

Is she also Karina from these Nanou Video/Laetita videos: Laetitia Tonic and Exhibition Anale 11?

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:36 pm
by Texxx
alec wrote:

> Thanks a lot. That's very useful.
> But I think Texxx meant that I should check
> Olga's
> other titles, that is
> Offertes ?
> tout 6: Fantasmes
> Perversions
> en h?ritage
to see if they should really be listed under
> Olga
> Pechova
. At least that's what I meant. Have you, or
> anyone else, seen those two films?

Yes, I meant this, especially about Offertes ? tout 6: Fantasmes

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 8:49 am
by Takezho
Offertes ? tout 6: Fantasmes was released in 1995 by VMD. Christophe Clark directed all the scenes except n? 3 and 6, which are directed by Marc Paris.

1. L'hotel des soupirs
Melinda, Christophe Clark
2. Amour lesbien
Olga Pechova, Gabriella
3. Un fauteuil pou jeu X
Emmanuelle Garcia, Stefan Willis
4. Homme ? tout faire
Anita Blonde, Kalman (credited as Roy Bridges)
5. Le dessous des cartes
Monica Orsini, Melinda, Christophe Clark, Jolt Walton, two other guys
6. Cocktail detonnant
Kim, David Perry, Herve-Pierre Gustave

Now about the actresses :

Olga Pechova is refered by the french magazine Hot Video as Olga Lovi. The main productors (VMD, Colmax...) credited either as Olga or Olga Lovi.

Melinda is a hungarian brunette. She appeared in :
Private Gold 01, A study in sex
Private Gold 02, Friends in sex
Private Storie 01, scene 5 - Light my ass
Christophe Clark 22, De l'art et du cochon (Defi production in France, Onid in Germany - Onid = Dinovision)
Christophe Clark 23, Le gourou anal

Gabriella, I have no information about her, but she is the blonde holding Olga Pechova in the back of the boxcover.

I can't give any clue about Perversions en heritage as I haven't seen it.

Re: Anita Dark

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:38 am
by Takezho
I don't have Exhibiton Anale 11. Katia is not in Laetitia Tonic, there is a Karine in the credits, being an amateur actress, I saw her in several Nanou videos only.