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Email from vidshop attched regarding my delivery!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 1:23 pm
by NIJ

Regarding my prevoius message on 26th april(very upset with vidshop-pls reply rich)..i just recieved an SPEEDY email from this guy called Barry..see below:

Thank you for your E-Mail.

We will track your order and apologise for any delay.
All E-Mails are responded to in the order that they are received.
We will do our best to answer your enquiry in a timely manner.
At the moment approx. 7 days.

Please note your enquiry will be dealt with.


If you do reply to this message it could lead
to your enquiry being automatically deleted.


Non Delivery Department.

so what what about that then...speedy service!!??if i reply again it will be deleted!!
my dvd is nearly 3 weeks due so with another 7 days looks like they r going to hit the 4 week mark....still not impressed!!

Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 3:36 pm
by alec
Just removed the name from your post. This is the second time I've had to do something similar today and have had to do so on a few other occasions recently.

Supplying h/c videos by mail order from within the UK is illegal. The people who do so are taking risks on your behalf. Please show some common sense and do not name names and give UK locations or addresses on this PUBLIC forum.

Re: Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 4:09 am
by nij
Hi Alec

I apologise from my stupidity, i will not do this in any future posts. Pls enlist me back..


Re: Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 8:05 am
by alec
Ok - now if you just get Matt to do the same ...

Re: Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 9:05 am
by Matt
Alec, Not a problem. I do apologise for revealing stuff like a slow witted moron!! Seriously, sorry mate. I'll keep a check on that. I'm enjoying reading and posting on this forum, I wouldn't want to jeapordise that.


Re: Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 9:23 am
by alec
Thanks. Hope you continue to enjoy it here.

Re:alec Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 5:34 pm
by Scottie
Did I read you right Alec.People take risks posting in the U.K on the customers behalf?Either I have misunderstood what you are saying and I hope that I have, but where does that notion come from.Names and locations I agree wholeheartedly but the supplying of tapes is all about the DOSH mate.Pure and simple.

Re:alec Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 6:10 pm
by alec
I wasn't implying that they were doing it out of charity, just trying to reinforce the point about discretion by the customers.

Re:alec Seriously annoyed at indiscretions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 7:22 pm
by Scottie
Phew! I thought you had a few too many shandy,s for a while.