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As a corbyn supporter I'm hoping farage gets stron

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 11:38 am
by number 6
The brexit party are splitting the tory party in half and almost guaranteeing a labour win in next GE. Keep going nige!!

Re: As a corbyn supporter I'm hoping farage gets stron

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 11:00 am
by m100
If the Tories had done the decent thing and split in the mid-nineties when arguing about Europe became their obsession then we wouldn't be in the mess we are. There would be a right-wing, unelectable, lunatic spin-off of the Tories while the right of centre established Tory party would only at most be able to form a coalition government. We know Farage's loony-toons are going to get the most votes at the european elections but if they don't get the 51% to mirror the referendum (especially if that is still the case combining their vote with the Tories and the 1% that ukip will get) then the game is definitely up.

Re: As a corbyn supporter I'm hoping farage gets stron

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 8:03 pm
by bernard72
As a Corbyn supporter " read jew hater "
Labour for the many, not the Jew