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VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 9:47 am
by NIJ

This is becoming a joke. My last dvd i ordered took nearly 5 weeks before i recieved it, and this was after constant emailing to vidshop(who never replied)..Okay then i heard Rich saying on this forum that things are getting better...better???...I THINK NOT!!..I also ordered another dvd(down the hatch 3)which.....i got an email from a guy called Barry(nondelivery dept) that the dvd was shipped on 9th of april and i should receive it within 14 days!!

I still have not recieved it and it hs nearly been 3 weeks!! Okay i know that vidshop have always delivered, be it 5 weeks. but why say 14 days when u can not keep your promise.!!
I have emailed this Barry again, but i will not hold my breath!!
So rich, can u reply to me on this forum or via email(, as i am still not impressed at all!!

I want to use Vidshop still as they have excellent titles and lots of them, but all these problems are making me feel very disappointed...

(still waiting)


Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 10:07 am
by Matt
When I re-ordered 'Gang Bang Angels 3' on Monday (23rd), I did it after an email from this same 'Barry' who told me that the duplicate DVD they sent me (and charged me for) could be returned to their dispatch centre with a note stating what had happened - I was then promised the DVD would be sent. So I returned the DVD with a note to the dispatch department in _____.

However, I also recieved an email from someone else at Vidshop advising me not to order that particular DVD because it was out of stock and on back-order which would take 2-3 weeks.

I don't think this was an official email from Vidshop - I had been emailing this guy on a seperate matter and I think he just dropped it into the 'conversation'. However, it was very helpful. I decided to go ahead and order it anyway cos the reviews for it are so damned good. I can wait.

What I'm saying is, if one guy can tell me the score with regard to a particular DVD, why can't Vidshop tell others if it's going to take a while.

VIDSHOP: Either let me people know if there's a delay or remove your 14 day guarantee. It's not only the professional thing to do, it's the courteous thing to do.

Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 10:13 am
by Andrew Jones
im still waiting for my copy of rocco:animal trainer after 7 weeks

Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 10:25 am
by alec
You can hardly expect continued service if you give away the location of their despatch department. Remember what country you are living in!

Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 10:46 am
by NIJ
Who have u been emailing??
is there an email address which they reply to??
does Rich have on??


Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 11:07 am
by TM Video
I have recently tried to contact Rich myself and have been told he is away until Tues next week. So I wouldn't expect a reply until after that from him. Here is an alternate contact email for vidshop:

Re: VERY upset With Vidshop(Pls Reply Rich)!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 11:16 am
by NIJ
i tried that one b4 and i got a message back stating it failed with permanent errors..ADDRESS NOT KNOWN(WHAT A SURPRISE)!!