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Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:03 pm
by Sam Slater
Just been reading up on this latest sex-grooming cases in Rotherham. Cannot believe what I'm reading to be honest. Young girls gang raped, pimped out across northern England, abducted and beaten.......some doused in petrol and being threatened to be set fire to. Kids......all kids - 1400 at the very least and an unknown number we might never find out about.

I'm usually a pretty unemotional person and I'm surprised how this makes me feel. I'm not angry, I'm upset. These kids lived in a world where violent adult peadophiles were routinely raping, beating and intimidating them and the adults who were in charge of the town, elected by the people of that town, didn't want to know. They lived in a world where adults were either enemies are apathetic. Nowhere to turn for help. Every day must have been a nightmare and their only escape was to take the drink and drugs they were being being plied with.

Like I said......I don't feel anger, just bewilderment and sad for the victims. I suppose being raped is bad enough, but to have no one to defend your corner must ratchet up the fear ten-fold.

And who committed these crimes? Mostly Muslim men targeting mostly white girls. Just heard on the radio that ethnic minorities in Rotherham make up around 8% of the population. Less than 6% are of Pakistani origin. These men came from that 6% and are responsible for over 50% of all sex crimes in the town involving under-aged children. Are we still going to deny the culture and religion of these minority communities have no bearing on why 6% of the population of the town produce men that are responsible for over 50% of a certain type of crime? could be a one off, but we've seen similar things happen in other towns over the last 5 or 6 years which have mirrored what's happened in Rotherham. It's not a one off. It's becoming a trend.

And the councilors responsible for ignoring the warnings and accused of being a 'barrier to communications on grooming issues'? They were all councilors of Pakistani origin, just like the paedophiles doing the grooming and raping. Were they purposely turning a blind eye to it all because it was inconvenient or embarrassing?

And to top it off, the police have been manipulating their figures with regards to the sexual abuse of children. Why? There are accusations of downplaying the ethnic angle from both the police and influential councilors. Just who does this help? All it does is protect these child-rapists and now gives people yet more skeptical of 'political correctness'. It ends up raising mistrust in ethnic minorities when the majority think the minority are being protected and the bad things they do are covered up. The initial intentions were to probably prevent tensions between communities and now this downplaying and brushing things under the carpet will just make it worse. Stupid. And the only people that had to suffer were 1400+ poor, underprivileged, vulnerable girls.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:10 pm
by randyandy
no doubt Dave will furnish is with an excuse or two soon.....

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:02 pm
by Sam Slater
What Rotherham council didn't do was discuss child abuse with the women of the Pakistani community. They only talked to local Imams (mainly old, conservative males). They followed what is custom in Muslim culture and ignored the women. I think that Pakistani women would have been more inclined to speak out in defense of any children they knew to be being sexually exploited than the Imams. It was stupid.

Passing these things off as nothing to do with the culture of religion of these minorities just makes people more suspicious and cynical. We know with the Catholic church how years of denial and turning a blind eye did more harm than good. The same thing has happened in 4 or 5 different towns now. It's a trend that we simply can't pass off as coincidental.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:56 pm
by Essex Lad
Sam Slater wrote:

> I think that
> Pakistani women would have been more inclined to speak out in
> defines (sic) of any children they knew to be being sexually
> exploited than the Imams.

Really? You have more faith than me then (I know you don't have faith but you know what I mean) because there are so many independent Pakistani women in Britain...

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:47 am
by Arginald Valleywater
This beggars belief in a 21st century western society. The perpetrators want put in stocks and flayed alive. If they act like medieaval peasants then they deserve the same punishment. Another case of "they are Pakis we better not upset them or they'll play the race card....". Come back Enoch.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:31 am
by Gentleman
Gotta agree with Mr Lad rather than part of the solution the average Pakistani woman is part of the problem reduced to nothing more than a breeding and cooking machine by a backwards culture which we are told is to be embraced thanks to diversity.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:51 am
by Sam Slater
Lots of Pakistani women are, but not all. I believe if the police and council worked together with social services and sought out Pakistani women within the community to come forward and speak in confidence then it's more likely we might have found out about the scale of all this much sooner.

It's much more likely than what they were doing........speaking to a few Imams. The last people the Pakistani taxi drivers would tell about them fucking under aged kids would be the Imams and the Imams themselves see themselves as the community leaders, overseers, judge and jury. They'd keep it in house. The Imams are great for spreading advice and messages to the community - no good for gathering information.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:16 am
by Gentleman
While I agree with what you are saying the problem is still that the emphasis is on everyone else to reach out to them in the hope they do something any right minded person would report.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:29 am
by Porn Baron

The worry of being labelled a racist means the authorities back away from probing too deeply. It seems to me that poor white girls are seen by Pakistani abusers and the Police as getting what they deserve. And social workers and the Police are terrified of being accused of discriminating against Asians.

Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:34 am
by Sam Slater
But we reach out to our own people. You'd be surprised how people of all cultures keep quiet and don't want to get involved because they may only suspect something is going on without evidence. A little like what happened in Ireland over generations with the Catholic church and orphans. Many suspected but hardly any came forward. Reaching out sometimes gives people who are apprehensive or unsure just that little push. It's always worth a try and could save or prevent other children falling into the same trap.

I'm not saying reaching out to the women in the Pakistani community would have stopped it, just that it is likely to be a more profitable course of action compared to just speaking to the Imams. It's worth a try and the police and council in Rotherham proceeded to converse with the Imams because we have this cultural trait of thinking a religious leader is spokesperson for their communities and that is the custom in Pakistan.

It's like when a minor disaster happens in some town or inner city and you can guarantee the news will have the local vicar at hand to give his/her opinion on what the local 'community' think and what they are feeling. In reality he's no fucking idea and talking out of his arse. It's stupid and it's more likely the regulars at the local boozer know more.

What you've got to understand is that many Pakistani women hate the fact the Pakistani men are messing around with white girls. It wouldn't have taken much to persuade one disgruntled female to tell what she knows/suspects is happening.

Of course, it's all a bit late now, but I don't see my thoughts on this as wildly naive or illogical.