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Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:56 am
by max_tranmere
Just been announced. Looks like Rolfie will be going down for a few years.

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:29 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
So Two Little Boys was a true story then?

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:43 pm
by cockneygeezer2009
I was 50/50 on whether he would be convicted. I agree on witch hunts for paedophiles and all other crims whether they are celebs or not.

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:20 pm
by frankthring

I can`t deny the announcement he is guilty has left me profoundly saddened.
We all know there is no excuse for sexual indiscretions with - in his case -
what seems to have been young teens. But he has also brought an awful lot
of family pleasure to lots of people over the year with an act of innocuous
songs, gentle humour and no smut. Now, at 84, the old feller is left shamed
in the public eye, his career and life`s work destroyed, his final days to be
spent in gaol. I make no excuses for him. But guys who damn him on this
site should be careful of seeming hypocrites - the British national vice - this
is a site devoted to pornography and those who support sexual liberation.
Before someone writes back, "That's no excuse for under-age sex", let me say
I agree with them. But as this entertainer`s life is now destroyed just think
before we all throw stones in this porn glasshouse.


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:02 pm
by Essex Lad
You agree on witch hunts? The prosecution of the innocent?

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:03 pm
by Essex Lad
Arginald Valleywater wrote:

> So Two Little Boys was a true story then?

It was written in 1902 about two friends in the American Civil War but not a true story as such. And Rolf's delights were more than two little girls...

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:57 pm
by max_tranmere
I agree he should be remembered as an all-round bloke who entertained children, aswell as being viewed as someone bad, as he was found guilty of all the things he's just been found guilty of. The things he did that were good will soon be forgotten as the press, particularly the tabloids, start to really vilify him. As time goes on you'll hear him called a "pervert" and things like that by the tabloids.

He molested underage kids and anyone who does that is a bad, wicked individual - how can it be viewed any other way. What I find curious though is the number of women, adults at the time, who say he slapped their bum or tried to kiss them. That behaviour is not to be condoned but millions of blokes have done that to women (grown women) over the years. If a guy over 18 slaps the arse of a woman over 18 in a nightclub, or he's chatting to her then tries to snog her, and she doesn't want him too, she'll either tell him to fuck off, slap him, or throw her drink over him - and that will be the end of the matter. We now seem to have a situation where such a thing can end up in Court as Rolf Harris has been charged and convicted, from what I understand, for these type things too.

Years ago someone doing that would be dealt with by the woman at the time (slapped, told to get lost, have her Bacardi breezer tipped over his head) - now you can be charged and be tried for it. I want to make clear again that I'm making a big distinction between an adult doing that to another adult, and an adult doing it to a minor. Rolf Harris apparently did both things - to women over 18 and girls younger too. He is evil for doing it to the younger ones, obviously, but I'm amazed he's been done for doing it to those older women aswell. A woman was on TV tonight who is about 50, and she said he tried to kiss her when she was 29. That is unacceptable, but hardly a Court matter surely.

Re: CG

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:34 am
by cockneygeezer2009
"You agree on witch hunts? The prosecution of the innocent?"

Which innocent are you talking about. We have a different meaning of the words witch hunt. I did say i approve of witch hunts against paedophiles and crims. The majority of convicted paedophiles and crims are not innocent.

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:45 am
by cockneygeezer2009
I agree to a point with you Frank. I'm no angel and never have been but it's unbelievable shame there are people out there who are paedos. We are all judgemental but sometimes you have to think about the victims in these cases.

Re: Rolf Harris guilty of all 12 charges...

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:50 am
by cockneygeezer2009
I can never understand why under age abusers don't just pay a nice lady (18+) and get her to dress up young and indulge their fantasies, especially if they are loaded. Much safer way of getting your jollies.