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Ta ta!!

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:04 pm
by Cuntybollocks
Well Geezers I'm off, Don't all cheer at once!!.

The Forum has become rather shite of late, although it was never great.

The way I see it I am better off out of it, and am now wondering why I spent so much time listening to your pathetic arguments. I like some of you though, Max Tranmere, Von Boy, Essex Lad ect you were all good.....Jimslip too before he fucked off.

David Johnson and Sam Slater have murdered the site with their petty/nasty shit, I hope they find happiness soon.

So the best of British to you all, and on behalf of myself, Charles* and Porn Historian* I thank you for your time.

*(denotes previous alias)

Cheers Cunts.

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:25 pm
by Essex Lad
Awww I'm touched.

Best of luck to you, too.

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:18 am
by one eyed jack
He'll be back

They always come back

This forum is like crack

Oh my god I wrote a rap !laugh!

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:55 am
by andy at handiwork
Dont give up the day job Terry.

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:11 am
by David Johnson
Pity, Number 6 thought quite highly of you, apparently.

Mind, it was obvious from early on that you were another reincarnation of Charles and Porn Historian.

Like Terry says, no doubt you will be back.

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:19 am
by max_tranmere
Cheerio Cunty, thanks for saying that you liked me and others. I always try and be nice on here and if I disagree with someone I tell them so in polite terms. Some people are very rude, but only a small number of people. David isn't one, Sam has been exceptionally rude a few times, and I even complained to the moderators about him and a couple of others once upon a time. He apoligosed to me later about it - I wasn't offended, it would take a lot more than that to offend me, just disappointed that people can behave like that. I enjoy conversing with most people on here, recently though there has been less posting than usual so the chatting is not what it was. Anyway mate, all the best for the future!

Some examples Cunty...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:36 am
by max_tranmere
I mentioned in my comment just now how some people on here are very rude. As I said, I'm not offended I just find it disappointing that people behave like this, my biggest gripe about it all though is it doesn't move the debate forward, instead the debate stagnates. I started a thread about the South African athlete Oscar Pistorious last year and I said I hadn't heard of him. Those finding it odd that I hadn't heard of him could have just told me they found it odd I hadn't heard of him - instead I was lambasted. I complained to the moderators but got no reply, I later poasted part of the email I sent them on the forum here. Here it is, this gives you an idea of how rude some people can be. Like I said, if people thought it odd that I'd not heard of Oscar Pistorius they could have politely told me, instead of tearing in to me. Here it is:

Author: max_tranmere
Date: 03-01-13 14:50

I called the thread 'Oscar Pistorius. Who he?' and here is some of the abuse I got. All these people's posts are still up:

This from Sam Slater to me (he makes a reference to Fred West here):

"I did, and my question wasn't about the Wests, you thick cunt. "

This from Bob Singleton, to Sam Slater, about me:

"...he continued to take no notice and post his brainless thoughts on the subject... He is the lowest form of moron... a moron with a keyboard, access to the internet and the belief that everything he says is important... Best to ignore him and hope that he dies a slow and horrible death... soon...."

Don Roobles joins in, referencing Bob Singleton's comment about me:

"slow horrible death...i think he passed away ages ago"

We then get this from Fatmick:

"Is Max the ultimate WUM? Or is he actually a complete fucking moron?"

Sam Slater then responds to something I say later on, on the same thread:

"More shit in defence of previous shit."

After I posted this last year Sam Slater apologised for calling me a "thick cunt". I wasn't offended as I've said, just disappointed as it means the debate doesn't move forward if people continue to 'play the man rather than play the ball'. So as you can see there are rude people on this forum. Many other people are pleasant though.

Re: Some examples Cunty...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:52 pm
by fatmick
Rude? I thought I had toned it down?!

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:15 am
by steve56
Good oneone eyed jack wrote:

> He'll be back
> They always come back
> This forum is like crack
> Oh my god I wrote a rap !laugh!

Re: Ta ta!!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:03 pm
by planeterotica
He'll be back

Give him some slack

This forum is shite

Man i can write

I fancy Jane Horrocks

She looks like Cuntybollocks !wink!