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Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:55 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
He's dead. Let the lad rest in peace.

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:25 pm
by Milk Tray Man
It's all great business for the legal profession though.


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:40 pm
by David Johnson
"He's dead. Let the lad rest in peace."

I suspect you and your family might take a slightly different view if you had been

1. Fitted up e.g. Cabinet Minister, Andrew Mitchell.
2. Killed when walking away from the police to get home in the middle of a demonstration e.g. Ian Tomlinson.
3. Or spied on to find out if the police could smear you to deflect your criticism of police handling of a case relating to a murder of one of your family members.

I suspect you and your family would be screaming for help then.

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:38 pm
by max_tranmere
I have a feeling that issues to do with the Stephen Lawrence murder will be around forever. It is 21 years since it happened, in Well Hall Road in Eltham back in 1993, and yet we still hear loads of things about it today. Thanks to having a left-wing Government for 13 years, and having Jack Straw as Home Secretary for a time within that, people who want to make a career out of bashing the Police now have a lot more prominence and ability to do so. The solicitor Imran Khan can always be replied on to pop up when something controversial occurs involving an institution of the State and usually when the victim is ethnic minority. His legal firm even has a department called "Actions Against The Police" and he and others at the firm make a nice living from having vast amounts of taxpayers hard-earned shovelled in their direction whilst they go on TV lambasting, usually, the Police.

This man Imran Kham came to Britain from Karachi when he was four. He should be grateful to the country that kindly let him live here, instead he just slates it's institutions on a more or less daily basis. He has been on TV news programmes a lot in the last few days. If it wasn't for this country he wouldn't have the education he got, he wouldn't have the advanced standard of living, including better healthcare and so on that's he's had for all but four years of his life. If there is an issue to do with the Police or any other institution of State then it should be taken up by a legal firm. We now have celebrity lawyers and QC's, similar to what they have in America, who can be replied on to take up controversial and high-profile of cases and are on the TV as often as the person or relatives involved with the thing. This week we have had Stephen Lawrence's brother doing the rounds of the TV networks, with Khan at his side. It used to be Stephen Lawrence's mum or dad, with Khan there too of course, doing the tour of the TV studios.

There are corrupt school teachers just like there are corrupt Police officers but people don't view the teaching profession as overall bad because of a few rotten apples. You don't get lawyers and QC's who can be replied on to pop up and try and hog the cameras as much as possible every time some such thing occurs. I've not heard of any legal companies with departments called "Action Against The Teaching Profession" where they just sit back and wait for something to occur in that profession so they can spring in to action and try to get on as many TV shows as possible to lambast that segment of society. As I said, this man Khan is one of those people who is always there on TV when there is an 'ethnic minority versus the Police' type case. He seems to dislike the institutions of this country, the country that was kind enough to let him come and live in it, and I and no doubt others find that very annoying.

He is an extreme lefty from what I've read, he was once associated with Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party. Here is the page on his company's website called "Actions Against The Police":

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:49 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Yes we know the Met is racist. The Pope is Catholic and tomorrow is Saturday. There is no need to drag this up again and again and again ad nauseum.

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:52 pm
by max_tranmere
Who'se dragged what up?

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:36 pm
by Cuntybollocks
Tragic waste of a life. We all must agree. That is a fact!

However, if the boot was on the other foot and it was a white lad would we still be talking about it 20 years later?

The mother being a peer is a fucking joke also.

Re: Stephen Lawrence..again

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:05 pm
by randyandy
PC Blakelock


Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:10 pm
by David Johnson
"However, if the boot was on the other foot and it was a white lad would we still be talking about it 20 years later?"

Duh! The reason, Cunty, that the Lawrence case and the Blacklock case are in the news is that there is something newsworthy going on i.e. in the case of Lawrence there is the report referencing corrupt policing which may have prevented the crime being cleared up much, much earlier. In the case of Blacklock it is because a guy has gone on trial for his murder.

If it was discovered for example, that a corrupt Portuguese policeman had taken a bribe to bury or destroy a load of evidence related to the abduction of Madelaine McCann, then there would be massive publicity etc. etc.

Re: Cunty

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:54 pm
by Cuntybollocks
Fair enough, I will hold my hands up. I hear a newsreader say Stephen Lawrence and I switch over. forgive my ignorance.

In saying that, before this latest saga the whole thing played on a bit!!. Again, I say it would not have been the case if the rolls were reversed.

"Duh". Hmm, child like expression I think.