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OT - more allegations against Max Hardcore

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 11:54 am
by Pasta
Apologies for this off-topic post, but I thought it might be of interest to all those who so hotly debated the C4 Hardcore documentary.

I just read the April 2001 issue of Hustler's Erotic Film Guide mag, and it carries an interview with a US porn star called Allysin Embers. In the interview, she makes graphic allegations against Max Hardcore, essentially that she was forced to continue a scene against her will. She also makes claims of non-payment. This was allegedly in France during the time of last year's Cannes Film Festival, a Max Hardcore shoot that I am sure was featured on one of those TV shows like Sex and Shopping.
Anyway, she had worked with Max before and knew it would be rough, but that he went OTT.
The article also mentions similar allegations by a girl called Olivia, and I have heard of further insinuations by other female performers whose names escape me (Regan Starr - would that be right?).

The odd thing is the way so many of these have either worked with Max before or work with him again afterwards.

Whatever, like I say, sorry for going off-topic, and indeed if this is old news, but I thought this might be of interest.

Re: OT - more allegations against Max Hardcore

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:44 pm
by David J
Yes, these stories do come up, and no smoke without fire, but nothing has ever been proved. I read somewhere that one girl filed a civil action for rape against MH, but the case collapsed when it was shown that she went back to shoot another scene five days after the incident. He is clearly a very nasty little shit, but he must pay well.

Re: OT - more allegations against Max Hardcore

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 7:13 pm
by Callipygea
I suspect this sort of thing is often just a PR stunt - there's no such thing as bad publicity.

And, incidentally, Lee-Anne must be doing well now, if she's doing anything.

Re: OT - more allegations against Max Hardcore

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 9:04 am
by Matt
Don't quite know what this opinion is based on. Certainly not careful research and thoughtful consideration. No such thing as bad publicity? Try telling Neil Kinnock that and remind him about 1992.

Max has consistently produced paedopihilia-friendly tripe and calling it porn is an insult to the industry.

I'm not a fan of censorship, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. I'd draw it at Max Hardcore.

The only info I have on Leanna is that she left her job working in a wine bar. Thats all I know. I do hope she's ok, and that she's grown up a bit now so she knows what she's getting herself into. I also hope she's sorted things out with her father.


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 10:34 am
by Autolycus
I spoke to her and she is still not over it. She hasn't been out of her home for a while - even though her boyfriend tries to take her out. She thinks people will still remember and look down on her.

Re: OT - more allegations against Max Hardcore

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 6:21 pm
by John
Regan Starr: American Pornstar, debut 1998, still active, born raised and living in California. Birthday 27 June, 36B-26-35, 5'7". Has made over 70 video's. Blonde in 1998, Brunette by late 1999.