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Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 8:55 am
by john
OK I maybe asking far too much here as i'm looking for a title to match a description of this softcore porno that used to pop up on Sky (movie channels) every now and then and I think it may have even popped up on C5. It is quite a unique plot so maybe someone will know...

Basically it's an american softcore porno about a married guy (a former american football player i think) who uses the internet to meet various women who wish to act out various fantasies, one day however his wife is killed which leads to a Columbo type detective figure poking around. The detective learns of the guy's activities and promptly questions him (in the comfort of his mansion) where he recites his encounters with these various women, which leads to the classic "We decided to meet..." and then the scene ensues and after its played out returns to the detective looking rather flushed. There are various encouters/stories he tells the detective such as going to Vegas to have dinner & sex with a rich woman who's husband is locked up, to meeting another woman in the park who insists "no names"..

Anyway, more of a description is that the guy is lead on by his murdered wife's sister who sets up an encounter with him with the stipulation that he must wear a blindfold and what not, but later reveals who she was and yet another sex scene between them is about to ensue in his swimming pool when the Columbo type figure emerges and asks if he has interrupted anything, observing the naked lady in the pool.

It's really dry stuff and has a unique plot, and one of the best softcore porno's ive seen. it's been around for ages and as I've said used to pop up on sky's movie channels every now and then late at night usually at the weekend. If anyone can put a name to this description I would appreciate it! (I know it's asking a heck of a lot LOL).



Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 10:15 am
by alec
Perhaps rame (rec.arts.movies.erotica) is a better place to ask. This is an off-topic film, but I'll leave the post up in case someone does happen to know the answer.

Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 11:00 am
by john
thanks alec, i'll check it out :)



Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 7:45 am
by leonard
i have this film just the dirty bits though. if it's the same film does the guy shag a fit blond bird from behind upstairs while his wife is out shopping? let me know if u wanna copy

Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 5:41 pm
by Scottie
I think the guy who plays the Colombo role is US star RANDY SPEARS if that is any help.Cannot remember the titlr though.Sorry

Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 5:53 pm
by John
Worth a search on IMDB then against the films with Randy Spears in that do not have a 'V' after the title (meaning video and therefore hardcore). Remember to have the settings so that 'Adult' films are shown.

Re: Anyone know the title of this softcore movie?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 7:49 pm
by Scottie
This film,if it is the correct one comes in soft and hard.Depends which version you want.Still cant remember the title.Sorry.