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Hidden dangers in Cameron`s anti porn crusade

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:47 pm
by frankthring

Having pushed through Parliament a law not in his party`s last election
manifesto which now allows homosexuals and lesbians to have full
marriage rights (lesbians being OK and apparently one must never
discriminate against any man who wants to bugger another on the
grounds that he is a sodomite) Cameron turns on the porn
industry !
We must ALL applaud him attacking kiddie porn, right. Right ? Just as
we must agree that in a reasonable community being gay means total
freedom to be marry my same sex partner in cosy, cuddly, sex-equality
Britain, right. Right ?
But am I the only one who thinks his new anti porn crusade is not just
Censorship, pure and simple, but also the thin end of the wedge. Info will
be collected on people, their sex habits analysed, and whats next to be
censored ?
And never mind the kiddie porn aspect - what about the ban on depictions
of rape. Yes, I KNOW rough sex stuff can be unpleasant shit, but WHO
exactly is going to decide which websites are the ones to be banned....or
which scenes....Will it affect rape in mainstream movies ie "Straw Dogs" ?
Etc etc.
There will be monumental cockups very soon......and here is a cautionary
tale: I remember in the 70s when the ever vigilant Police heard of a movie
called "The Big Red One". They raided shops across Britain to seize it -
only to discover it was a war film with Lee Marvin ! I forsee a field day
of cockups with the Obscene Publications Squad and rape depictions.....
As for pornographers in UK........folks, its gonna get a lot worse for you
yet. I have warned something like this would happen for years.....

Re: Hidden dangers in Cameron`s anti porn crusade

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:46 pm
by one eyed jack
I guess we'll all have a mass exodus and come to Hungary and crash at your pad Frank.

Bagsy I get the sofa!!!

Of course we are all thinking like you. No self respecting producer can be in this business and not see right through this

Re: Hidden dangers in Cameron`s anti porn crusade

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:25 am
by milton
Another trojan horse. Establishing the tools for wider censorship; collecting personal data to be used later in ways not disclosed or yet thought of. Blackmail etc.

We are governed by products of the English public school system. A system in which Fagging was a major element, the purpose of which was to propagate the master/slave, upstairs/downstairs class divide and involved abuse of the younger and more vulnerable boys by the seniors. Any sexual abuse was ignored. It really is rich this lot preaching on the safety of children!

I'm surprised that this form has been so silent on the other recent shocking revelations.

Fear is now creeping into the internet as we spiral into the black hole of Fascism. A process which is now so advanced that they are not even pretending to hide it.

WWII was a war between two Fascist ideologies; this one won.

Re: Hidden dangers in Cameron`s anti porn crusade

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:56 am
by Zorro

"We are governed by products of the English public school system. A system in which Fagging was a major element, the purpose of which was to propagate the master/slave, upstairs/downstairs class divide and involved abuse of the younger and more vulnerable boys by the seniors. Any sexual abuse was ignored. It really is rich this lot preaching on the safety of children!"

What are you talking about man? This is true Daily Mail stuff, real sensational headline stuff and utter bollocks. Did you go to public school? Were you a fag or indeed a fag master? If you did go then you wrote what you wrote to suck up to certain people of this forum, if you did not go, as I guess from this post, you are making assumptions on something you know nothing about.

I went to a public school with fagging, and it was nothing about master/slave, upstair/downstairs class divide, the fagging system was a good way of integrating the junior boys into the their house, give them a mentor and protector. In return they would have to make their fag masters bed, make cups of tea, clean boot, make beds run errands, for this they got paid and protected. I do not want to make it sound too idyllic you fuck up you got hit, but you learnt and the hits were not malicious.

You talk of sexual abuse being ignored, where? when? give me examples, there have been a couple of cases in the press in the last couple of years, but only a couple, in comparison to everyday society I bet the percentage is lower than the average, hardly mass child abuse being covered up. Out of all the public school boys I have ever known, none have ever reported any sexual abuse, or anything even close.

So stop sensationalising a write about what you know/have experienced.

Let us public school boys judge the education and moral up bringing we got, and believe me there is no harsher critic and defender of the public school system than me.

Re: Hidden dangers in Cameron`s anti porn crusade

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:09 pm
by jackdore
The fact is that Dave knows he can't lose, at least in the short term, by promoting this idea. He's desperate for a bit of cred with The Mail and his own Right, who widely regard him as a closet liberal over his support for Gay Marriage and in the former's case for betraying them with the Leveson Enquiry. He's also in competition with state-nannyist Labour, the natural home for the militant feminist groups who are not only hostile to all forms of legal porn, but are spearheading attempts to close down strip clubs and lap-dance centres. As usual, No Sex Businesses - we're British.