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Outsource your own job?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:31 pm
by David Johnson
Worried about losing your job as it is outsourced overseas?

Then take some guidance from Bob, a software programmer in a US Telecoms company, by acting first. Apparently the company he was working for Verizon, noticed that someone was logged on to their systems with his id, from China, sometimes all day long.

As a result of their enquiries they found that Bob, a quiet, middle-aged family man who's programming had won plaudits from the company had outsourced all his work to a Chinese firm at a fifth of the salary, Bob received.

And how had Bob spent his time at work? Logged on looking at cat videos, Facebook, Ebay and Reddit.

Way to go, Bob.

Re: Outsource your own job?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:35 pm
by Dave Wells
Genius, he should be an MP here !