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Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:58 pm
by max_tranmere
This heap of dog shit was on TV tonight. It makes Shark Attack 3 and Jaws 4 look like classics! I don't know much about film making but why do people continue to make sequels (eight of them with Friday the 13th!) when all the previous ones have been panned by critics for being awful, and each one has made less money than the previous ones. Some people seem to make films for the hell of it and clearly like throwing money away. They also must enjoy being lambasted by film critics!

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:03 am
by Bill Malone
There have been 11 Friday the 13th films (Jason X was the tenth, Freddy vs Jason was 11th) plus the 2009 remake which condensed plots of the first four films.
The critic's opinions mean nothing, they always make their money back because they are quite cheap and developed a big following.

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:31 pm
by lensman
Supply and demand.If no one watch them,they wont make them.Besides,the most intelligent and best made films might not end up being the most popular ones.Look at the state of our tabloid papers.

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:28 pm
by Ken Shabby
I think I might have seen that one. Is that the one where a bloke wearing a cowboy hat vows to hunt Jason down?

I know what you mean about horror sequels, though, but as long as they make their money back + a profit, the filmmakers seem happy enough. They just want to make quick money - not necessarily a good movie.

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:22 pm
by Gator
Jason Goes To Hell (Channel 5 re-named it to avoid using 'Hell') was made 20 years ago by a 22-year-old director who was just out to have fun with the series and learn about movie-making in the process.

The uncut, 1.85:1 version of the film is actually quite good and funny. I have no doubt that the crap screened by Channel 5 last night was not the best way to experience the film.

BTW, movies, terrible or not, keep hundreds of thousands of people in employment and keep the fans happy. Just because you don't agree with or understand it won't make it go away, Max.

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:03 pm
by one eyed jack
They could make them bad intentionally and still have an audience base to go and see it.

People dont always go to see films because they are great. There are a lot of people in the world who love truly awful films too.

I can only picture the director of this film believing he has made the magnum opus of FridayThe 13th films.

Sometimes these films are just a vehicle for new talent to learn their craft

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:04 pm
by one eyed jack
Plus TV channels need to buy in cheap product as late night filler as well

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:08 pm
by max_tranmere
Interesting comments there. I suppose a lot of things are done because they'll make money more than because they are of quality. Chicken World and Burger King are hardly trying to compete with Gordon Ramsey restaurants, they just exist because they will make cash. Rather like how Police Academy 6, Jaws 4, and Friday the 13th 9 are not exactly trying to be Casablanca or Gone With The Wind but are made because they might enable the Director to buy himself a nice new house.

I do think that film franchises which were slaughtered by the critics certainly don't guarantee a financial return when even more sequels are made though - and also you must have to have a thick skin to take the criticism that always comes from the film critics. I remember one of the Friday 13th films (I can't remember which one as there are so many) starts with the original baddie, Jason, lying dead at the bottom of a lake. An electrical cable falls into the lake and makes contact with his dead body. There is an electrical charge and - hey - Jason comes alive! Another hour and a half of Jason trying to kill innocent teens who are camping nearby! (yawn, yawn).

There was even one called 'Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhatten'. Jason heads to the Big Apple to slaughter bad people and tries to clean up the streets of crime. This film was panned for not only being crap (like all of them) but for the fact only about ten minutes of it actually happens in New York! Good luck to the Director's of these films, if they make you money good luck to you, but the films are rubbish and you know it!

Re: Friday the 13th - part 9 !!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:23 am
by Bill Malone
Part 2 isn't crap. It's actually a rather suspenseful little movie. And part 3 used 3D long before it was fashionable (it wasn't retro fitted) and designed its bizarre death scenes to make the most of the 'comin' at ya' 3rd dimension.
Part 4 cemented Corey Feldman as a child star (the world is thankful, I'm sure), part 5 reinvented the series in that the killer isn't the killer from the others but an obsessed fan. In fact the killer in the first film is his own mother - like Psycho in reverse.
Part 6 is almost a spoof, 7 has a psychic link between victim and killer, 8 is set on a cruise ship, 9 has the killer's soul swapping bodies at random, 10 freezes him cryogenically and sends him in to space and 11 pits him against Freddy Kruger in a box office clash akin to Frankenstein meets the Wolfman.
So they may be crap but they're imaginative crap.
Can you say that about Hostel, Saw or Twilight?


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:22 pm
by max_tranmere
Interesting breakdown of the films, I'm not as familiar with them as you are, but from your descriptions they seem to get more 'out there' with every installment. Particularly the later ones!

"...5 reinvented the series in that the killer isn't the killer from the others but an obsessed fan.

6 is almost a spoof

7 has a psychic link between victim and killer

8 is set on a cruise ship

9 has the killer's soul swapping bodies at random,

10 freezes him cryogenically and sends him in to space

11 pits him against Freddy Kruger in a box office clash akin to Frankenstein meets the Wolfman...."

Wow! Maybe Friday the 13th parts 12, 13, 14 and 15 could have Jason wrestling with giant underwater dinosaurs, then cruising on air skateboards from one cloud to the next, and other zaney things! I wouldn't put it past the writers! lol.