Bev Cox

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Dave Dee

Bev Cox

Post by Dave Dee »

Anyone else out there really into Bev.

What a babe


Re: Bev Cox

Post by Claymore »

She's Ok, but I certainly wouldn't go as far as describing her as a babe. You must get out more!

Remington Steel

Re: Bev Cox

Post by Remington Steel »

Bev is great! Take my word for it. Not just great but a nice person. If you can spare the time have a lok at she features on one of the Princesses of Porn movies.


Re: Bev Cox

Post by Admirer »

Bev is all woman....Everybody has different tastes at least dave likes them to be real and not false.
Why knock the guy because his taste is different to yours....

Re: Bev Cox

Post by Claymore »

Like I said, Bev's OK. I have met her and we had a brief chat. I can report that she has a commendable enthusiasm for the business and a professional approach which is sadly lacking in many of her British peers.

I'm sure Dave realises I was only joshing him and if he believes Bev to be the girl of his dreams then great. I'm happy for him (by the way, I also like them to be real.) But if I could go refer back to my original posting on this matter - if Bev is indeed "a babe" how would one describe, say Sylvia Saint?


Re: Bev Cox

Post by Scottie »

Well said Claymore.Your threads are now being thought out,whereas before,you started out making a decent point but slowly degenerated.Everyone has a personal view but the way it is put across is what matters.I wholeheartedly agree with you on the subject of british girls.There are no stars no more!This is non more apparent when you look at the subject of our European partners in this business.I remember the heady days,not too long ago when at least one or two of our girls made quite a name for theselves working with the likes of MAGMA/PRIVATE/HANS MOSER e.t.c .Where is the BABES(AS SOMEONE IN THIS THREAD HAS SAID)who these companies are using.I am sure some of the "latest"girls from our shores must have applied for work with these producers.I have not seen a british girl with anything to write home about for a long time,and I am sure the producers feel the same.The girls they use are usually stunning,be it fake or real.Sylvia saint,now thats stunning!!Violet Storm I DON,T THINK SO.Although Bev is a little better I would,nt say BABE!And the european companies seem to agree.Note-there is a difference between companies buying complete footage to punt from our boys and actually filming it themselves.
Ben Dover

Re: Bev Cox

Post by Ben Dover »

If anyone is interested as to why I think a lot of UK girls who would generally be thought of as 'Babes' are not doing the 'European Scene' is quite simply because a lot [most in my opinion] of the Euro producers treat the girls like shit. The Euro porn scene now is nothing more than a factory production line, and I for one always impress on girls who are thinking of going to Europe just exactly what they could be in for, which can sometimes be VERY unpleasant. By the way I think Bev Cox is gorgeous, and a lovely girl to boot!!!

Re: Bev Cox

Post by woodgnome »

the continental industry sounds much like the american one, in that case - utilizing the principles of intensive farming, but minus the laws safeguarding 'live stock' welfare, that our four footed friends take for granted!

people rave on about the high 'standards' re. looks, of the girls in 'private' videos but the overall effect is as dull as ditch water, imo. for the most part they might as well be making aerobics videos. there's no individuality or spontaneity permitted it seems, so that more or less excludes the possibility of anyone actually enjoying themselves, including me!

at least brit porns state enforced cottage industry status means that things are done on a more human scale, even if much of the productions standards displayed are uneccesarily shoddy and amateur.

if we can evolve a sex industry culture that isn't beholden to the misogynistic twerps that seem to hold sway elsewhere, our late comer(!) status in the sex biz stakes might have been worth the wait.

phew!! now where's that new ben tape?
Phil McC

Re: Bev Cox

Post by Phil McC »

Bev Cox was the Ben Dover bottom correct me if I am wrong Uncle Ben...I shot her in The Fuck Truck and she shagged my crew to death. We even have her ringing up Super Dick on camera while we were shagging her cool or what.
The problem with the Euro sex industry is a bit of a two sided story...finding a girl you can trust who will not let you down after you spend ??????? on her promotion is real hard, most of the producers are ok but like Ben say's a few are cunts (I don't sit on the fence as he would say). The best example would be Hans Moser(I was with him Easter weekend). He created many of the greats including Foxy Lady and Sarah Young he was also involved with Helen Duval's promotion and started Gina Wild.
He is a nutter he raves about quality and loves his own stuff so much he can't be bothered to sell it. His Sarah Young site is top class and he has another site up called singlenet as well this is again top class. The reason there is so few porn stars in Europe is like Ben say's they get girls from Eastern Europe and market them till they drop...they will tell you because UK girls are lazy and run home to their mothers to get fed...I don't know maybe it's a bit of both...tell me a genuine attractive girl who get's you horny that will fuck on film and doesn't mind going on TV or in the newspapers to tell the UK that she loves her work and loves to fuck on film.????????????>
Hans gave me the top tips on being a porn star and the first was intelligence, then, loves to show her body to the world, then, makes you horny enough to go mad...His tip if you find one marry her cause they alway's stay loyal longer...who knows...

Phil McCavity (Bens biggest Punter 17stone)

Re: Bev Cox

Post by alec »

Phil McC wrote:
> Bev Cox was the Ben Dover bottom correct me if I am wrong
> Uncle Ben...I shot her in The Fuck Truck and she shagged my
> crew to death. We even have her ringing up Super Dick on
> camera while we were shagging her cool or what.

That sounds as if it might be Bev Would on the phone to Marina - at least that was the Adult Channel episode I saw and is now burned in my memory, until the uncensored version comes out anyway. Have two of your sessions been interrupted by agents? I could have misheard Marina for Marino of course and Bev Would is just as good anyway.

To contribute to the debate - could it be that some of the best looking girls (in some people's opinion) get work as TAC or TVX presenters and are not quite so keen to do boy/girl videos as they might have been if those sources of employment were not there?