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ben dover dvds

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 10:30 am
by Andrew Jones

where is the best place to buy ben dover dvds?
where has the best range etc?

Re: ben dover dvds

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 5:56 pm
by floppy.d
Take a look at adulteyecandy.(links)
Interestingly they state they're not selling dvd's yet.
But take a look at the front covers of their b.d titles and
they're the dvd versions.
Whether you get a vhs or dvd you'll have to check with them.

Re: ben dover dvds

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 11:47 am
There aren't that many available... If you want one or two, check out - if you want a few you'll probably do better with they're titles are a lot cheaper, but you need to order a few to get any benefit as their minimum postage charge is a bit steep.

Incidentally, VCA have just released Royal Heines - is it any good ?



Re: ben dover dvds

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 11:56 am
by woodgnome
worth getting for the rebecca irwin scene alone, imho.

Re: ben dover dvds

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 2:52 pm
by Maurie
I ordered "Royal Heinies" DVD on the 13th from Jaded Video, and it arrived recorded delivery today 23rd. I particularly liked Susie (Mia in top shelf mags)