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Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:51 pm
by mrmcfister
This scumbag has now proved to have killed 4 little girls and the police think there may be more.He has never shown any remorse.Despite devastating four families the killer is being allowed to live.Disgrace that crimes like this do not attract the ultimate sanction.I'm sure there are millions of Brits who would like to pull the lever of the trap door so this filth can feel the same fear his little victims did.

Re: Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:13 pm
by jimslip
Total psychotic bastard. I wonder whether his sentence could be reviewed under these proposals. Apparently, do gooders are unhappy that there is a mandatory life sentence for the crime of murder and judges should be allowed to be given the choice as to whether they sentence a murderer to life or perhaps instead send them on an all expenses paid holiday in Fiji for a "Murderers encounter group" instead!

Re: Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:57 pm
by frankthring

Return to full jury verdicts. Cleanly, efficiently, simply give all those
convicted of first degree murder (ie with planned intent or, if you prefer,
of two or more murders,) a lethal injection. It is an offense to the poor
little kids he raped, tortured and killed that Black lives, a perfect example
of the gutless, weak society with no backbone that is Britain today.

Re: Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:10 pm
by Lizard
Well put Frank, but how many people do they execute in Budabest every year?

Re: Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 pm
by one eyed jack
I'm not for capital punishment at all but I would prefer the law turn a blind eye while I jump up and down on his head like a trampoline until his eyes popped out of his head...Then he could serve the rest of his life sentence.

At least I aint like him. I hold life sacred. He can live but can live the rest of his wretched life damaged, like how he has left those famillies.

Why make it easy for him with lethal injection? Why put him out of his earthly misery with hanging? Make his life harder for him. That should be his penance to remember the lives of those he took away for the rest of his earthly days.

I can only imagine the devastation of losing a child but to a sick pervert like this???

I'll stop now...

Re: Robert Black killer of 4 little girls (at least)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:34 pm
by DavidS
Black is suspected of murdering more young girls than he has been charged with. Police, particulary the Devon & Cornwall force, in relation to the Ginette Tate case, have tried to get Black to confess to where he hid the body. In a recent television interview one of the officers said he thought Black got satisfaction in having information no one else has, and therfore would not help locate the body. That perfectly illustrates what an unpleasant individual Black is. He may still be tried for this murder now that in certain circumstances at the judge's discretion, his previous convictions can be given to the jury.