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Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 1:00 pm
by Berkely Hunt
I have a video (called Pussymania) which is basically a 4-girl lesbian romp featuring Roxanne Hall (or someone who looks very similar + 3 unknowns. There is an entry in your excellent database (in the Roxanne Hall section) but just called 'four girls' and I reckon this could be the same title. Does anyone know more about this film?
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 6:51 pm
by woodgnome
if the other english girl is a buxom blonde called selina also listed for 'four girls' then i would guess that you have the same tape as myself. the 2 non english girls are, i think, dutch and the setting is a living room with 2 sofas.
where did you purchase it from?
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 5:38 am
by Berkely Hunt
Yes, there is a blond involved, but I'm not convinced it is Selina (compared to the photo in the BGAFD database). As far as i remember the action starts in a 2-sofa situation, but then moves to another room (RH in leather or plastic gear/then tied-up), finally all 4 on the bed.
I got this from a company called CP productions (I think) who were mailing me at one time - 99% of thier material was ranging from mild sub/dom to hardcore S+M (horrible most of it and not my scene at all) this was the only tape I bought from them!. I really must dig it out and watch it again.
If anyone wants a copy, mail me and we can come to some arrangement.
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 6:09 am
by woodgnome
your detail about rh in leather/tied up confirms it and if memory serves, they do move on to the bedroom. if i can find it i'll check it out, too.
it is a ropey pic of selina though!
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 8:18 am
by Berkely Hunt
Well, well! - I've just found it and noticed there are actually credits at the begining. It's got a copyright notice (usual text) 'Univision 1995' - then a few stills of girls faces - then a logo page with 'Seelux presents' text - then - 'Pussymania Licks 18' !! (one of Amanda Charles possibly?) - then - 'with Debbie and Jane' - then 'Kate and Tina' then the film begins.
Definately Roxanne Hall though.
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 11:31 am
by woodgnome
not on mine. thanx for the info.
no doubt alec is entering this into the next update, even as we type. from the title the afc reference may well be correct but it doesn't appear to be currently listed or available on her web site.
incidentally, others have probably said it already but is a model for others to follow. the generous vidcapping of each title makes evaluating the content of each tape very easy. this is what the punters want!
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 9:52 pm
by joey
Actually, I just noticed Amanda Charles Films' Best of Licks 4 features a scene from 'Debbie and Jane' - and indeed appears to contain Roxanne, going from one of the vidcaps. Perhaps this is compiled from Licks 18. (The 'best of licks' series seems to be a re-issuing as compilations of some earlier Licks films.)
Re: Roxanne Hall film ?
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 6:30 am
by woodgnome
same girls, different video though!