Twitter .. more irritations!
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:02 pm
I know we've discussed Twitter on here before, but as someone who has been Tweeting a bit recently I have to say that I find the whole experience annoying and regard Twitter as little more than a poor man's Facebook. What does it do that Facebook doesn't do? Nothing, except you can do less of it on Twitter. Facebook has unlimited room for text when you are writing a message, Twitter has very limited space and you spend more time trying to shorten everything so you can send it than you do originally writing the message. "What have you been doing today?" becomes "wot u bin doing 2day?" because of the totally pointless decision by the people behind Twitter to give you very limited room for text.
On Facebook you can make it as long as you want, and put up as many photos as you want. Some people put dozens, some put hundreds. On Twitter there is the profile pic and then you have to attach a Twitpic (clever name!) to your message. Anyone comparing Twitter and Facebook, who had never heard of them before and had no idea which came along first, would (I am certain) think that Twitter is from 10 years ago and Facebook is from now. It's like comparing what a mobile phone from 10-15 years ago did compared to what the modern ones do today. Why has Twitter taken off? It's crap. But I suppose people are just sheep and follow whatever trend is current. Right, rant over.
On Facebook you can make it as long as you want, and put up as many photos as you want. Some people put dozens, some put hundreds. On Twitter there is the profile pic and then you have to attach a Twitpic (clever name!) to your message. Anyone comparing Twitter and Facebook, who had never heard of them before and had no idea which came along first, would (I am certain) think that Twitter is from 10 years ago and Facebook is from now. It's like comparing what a mobile phone from 10-15 years ago did compared to what the modern ones do today. Why has Twitter taken off? It's crap. But I suppose people are just sheep and follow whatever trend is current. Right, rant over.