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Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:36 pm
by Karl-K
I haven't been in this part of the web for a while but used to do a few bits with some of the girls such as Kaz b and co....

I am a web designer and developer and am working on a site for a model and due to personal reasons this has taken a longer than anticipated as I am not running through my business or my agency...

I have had a problem with the expectations and return. I feel a little confused as to whether I should just walk after being talked to extremely rudely and expected to just except this as the norm....

Anyone been in a similar situation or offer any thoughts... I am not going to turn my back on work but I am not about to sell myself out as I know the standard of my work is used by global media and plush high profile business and I never seem to have any issues with people...could it be just me? I am not perfect but I always strive for perfection and professional stand...does this not work both ways in a professional relationship?

Re: website

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:19 am
by itfilm
Post some examples and stop doing people favours, you'll end up being the door mat. And the reason there not doing so well will be your fault and your problem!

Re: website

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:41 am
by itfilm
Should have read, their not "there"

Re: website

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:18 am
by Karl-K
Thanks itfilm,

Ok, just a couple of examples are changing of parts of the website that although seem easy are just changed at the drop of a hat...such as..
- a new scrolling header with designed backdrops...oh no I dont want that anymore
- background has been said to be fine and then asked to be changed on three different occasions
- I build a solid structure that the whole site sits on then just before launch I am asked for a image style border around all the content in the middle...any developer know this is tricky but that would mean developing an entire new content section for the main body of the site with the look requested..?!!!
- again, late night request the night before launch, asked for a jazzed up splash landing page
- streamed video content request that is v.o.d plus a shop (not in the original brief),
- then a complaint saying this is such a simple website, its not even a members site...
- too top it off when I request details to direct the payment, I am told that I am mental because I didn't ask before. Even though I have sent emails saying 'here's a link to the shop download, please test and send me your details!'

These are a few of the examples of what I have had to deal with....

Re: website

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:38 pm
by one eyed jack
Sounds pretty mild mate.

I've had death threats, racial abuse and a whole den of forumites bad mouth me (a few here and others elsewhere ) and I'm still here standing with hands on hips in the smoke to the faint strains of "The Last Stand" !happy!

You put up with rudeness and it leads to all kinds of abuse later. Give it back some!

Fackin knock em aaaht my saahn!

Re: website

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:49 am
by Karl-K
hi the Big T man, aint seen you in a while....hope all is well.. Cheers for the boost, I need it. It's been a slog but I think I'm on the winning side.. :-)

Re: website

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:49 am
by one eyed jack
Glad to hear it man.

Manners dont cost a penny and its far better to be nice when getting the best out of people

Re: website

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:50 pm
by Karl-K
Agreed! Thank you for the feedback guys, it's nice to know I'm not on my own! And to not be one-sided, I did get a message apologising from the model, so all credit to her!!!

We have moved on positively you will be glad to hear!


K :-)