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Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:20 am
by David Johnson
I watched this programme. Basically, it is about the war in Afghanistan but is completely from the point of view of the soldiers and their families who were/are out there. It includes a lot of footage from head cameras which was shot while out on patrol and in fire fights.

For me, this programme showed unbelievably well the chaos, fear, bravery and professionalism of young men in battle and in particular, the way in which young recruits who had had no experience of war, turned from boys into men through the tour.

It was both very moving and very humbling for someone like me who's father spent 11 years in the army but who personally has had no involvement with the armed forces.

I really would urge people to watch. Last Tuesday's episode is on the iplayer.

A completely brilliant programme which should be made compulsory viewing for all politicians who get involved in decisions for this country to go to war.


Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:41 am
by max_tranmere
Sounds like an interesting programme but I would find it upsetting to watch. I have so much respect for our wonderful armed forces, but I think they have been let down by Governments and often have a hard time when they come home. Under Labour they were generally supplied with they same kind of Land Rovers the Police used in Northern Ireland - basically just slightly reinforced - this was insufficient against attack and many soldiers died because of these inappropriate vehicles they were given. I think a young Private out there, risking his life, possibly away from home for the first time, and who may be physically maimed for life and/or develop mental problems, does it all for the same money that a Traffic Warden in London gets. This sounds like a great programme but I would find it sad to watch.

Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:30 pm
by Jonone
Arguably it's a marketing message of sorts for war. I prefer Boy George's 'War is stupid, and people are stupid'

It's people getting 'mugged-off' by Governments isn't it ? When people find themselves in a foxhole in 6 inches of water with 'incoming' flying overhead at what point do they say to themselves 'I wasn't expecting this!' ?


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:36 pm
by max_tranmere
In the Queen song 'Hammer To Fall' there is the line: "what the hell we fighting for, just surrender and it wont hurt at all".

Not always an option. But with regard to Iraq and Afghanistan we should nEver have been there in the first place!

Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:51 pm
by David Johnson
"Arguably it's a marketing message of sorts for war."

The only time that there was this sort of message that came across for me was the lieutenant who actually wrote the letter to the dead soldier's mum when he described how Sangin was a whole lot better than it was a result of the army's efforts. I suppose some of the soldiers were well up for the "contact" but the bottom line is that that is what these guys have spent all their training for.



Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:20 am
by David Johnson
"This sounds like a great programme but I would find it sad to watch."

Well, give it a go, Max even with that proviso. The episode I saw, really was a stunning description of what it is like to be in battle.


Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:43 am
by Zorro
I thought it was a fantastic program, which really gave you a feel for fighting in the front line in Afghanistan.

It showed experienced soldiers forgetting their training under fire for the first time, and how confusing battle is, and more than anything else no matter how well trained you are survival really just comes down to luck.

A foot either side and you live, your section commander asking someone else to go point instead of you, you live etc.

It also showed the families at home and their reactions, and how good intentions can have the opposite effect.

A fantastic program in what I hope will be a brilliant series, and one everyone should watch, regardless of whether you are for or against the war you should all see what our boys are going through.

Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:09 pm
by belfast_birty
Having been to war,I thought that the programme was very realistic.Soldiers have not changed much over time,and a sense of humour is very important!

Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:15 am
by mrmcfister
I saw this.I think the campaign is futile and this programme confirmed it for me.A tragedy that young lads are dying over some god forsaken shithole.I am not clear what we are fifghting for and am not sure the lads do.The pathetic hype of our low quality politicians does not help.Unfortunately it takes a few killed at once to get this mess on the front pages.

Re: Our War BBC3 Tues 9pm

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:07 am
by frankthring

The boys are as brave as British soldiers always have been, their officers
as well-trained as any before them. The tragedy is that it is a totally
futile war that can never and will never be won by us. Thus their lives
are daily at risk and millions squandered. You would have thought our
costly humiliations in Afghanistan 1838-42, 1878-80 and 1919 would
be lessons but politicians simply never never never learn from history !!