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I defend the right to have a subjective opinion!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:22 pm
by jimslip
These are dark days on the O/T forum! A spectre stalks our hallowed corridors of discussion and opinions! It attempts to cajole, manipulate and crush all opinion that differs from it's own!

This spectre is David Johnson.

I am a member of Trip Advisor. I travel alot and I post my, "Subjective opinions" on various hotels and restuarants. I am permitted to do this AS A RIGHT! Trip Advisor does not feel that they must question and make me qualify every detail of my review. For example, I might say, "The So & So restaurant serves, in my opinion, the worst food in France!" Trip Advisor doesn't send someone to interrogate or correct this opinion Why? because it is a "Subjective opinion!" It is MY opinion and I have a RIGHT to have that opinion. Someone else may say the restuarant is brilliant, that is their business. I have no right to bludgeon an explanation out of them and I have no right to insult or rubbish their opinion.

I believe on a forum like this people should be able to make their opinions known without interrogation and without insult or mockery. David Johnson, being a dictator, insists on having the last word on EVERY TOPIC. Like all dictators he does not understand the principle of, "Begging to differ!"

This tactic drives people off this forum, which is an affront to its fundamental principle of freedom of speech. It is particularly bad on a forum that promotes and celebrates hard core porn, a topic that would be in the firing line of any government controlled by the bullying proponents of Political Correctness.

So, I am saying that more than any other forum, we should be free to express ourselves without fear of finger wagging and admonishment, by a person who is in effect, an enemy of our beliefs, ie the freedom to make and view porn, an art form which is GROSSLY Politically Incorrect!Don't the good folk of porn have enough people trying to control us, without one of them stomping up and down our sacred corridors telling us off on any topic, that in his view, is not Politically Correct??

I therefore propose the following tactic for those who feel intimidated and worn out by David Johnson's incessent bullying. I propose that if you are being harangued on a particular topic and you no longer wish to be cajoled, you apply the following declaration:

"I hereby invoke my fundamental right to "Beg to differ" with your opinion, David Johnson and I now withdraw from this discussion forthwith. This declaration does not prejudice my opinion in any way and I wholeheartedly stand by my own subjective opinion on this topic. It is my right to do so!"

And simply walk away!

Re: I defend the right to have a subjective opinion!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:29 pm
by David Johnson
Same old stuff which has absolutely nothing to do with the points I made.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:44 pm
by David Johnson
As stated, previously please explain to myself, Max Tranmere and Lizard
when we are or are not allowed to question someone's info such as Roger Fukwit without ending up being told we are politically correct, Fascist, Commies, aggressive etc. etc. . Where are your guidelines on what we can say without being insulted?

In the meantime, when are you going to realise Jimbo that you are NOT the BGAFD Thought Police and you cannot prevent people even questioning others' views even though you would love that to happen?

Re: I defend the right to have a subjective opinion!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:54 pm
by poisned_poet
well said, i used to read these forums a lot but any posts that has "his" name in i now avoid. seems he has to argue with someone.

Re: I defend the right to have a subjective opinion!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:27 pm
by RoddersUK
Yes, you are right.

Re: I defend the right to have a subjective opinion!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:40 am
by Deano!
Well, speaking only for myself and Holly Valance (who lost a bet and must now agree with everything I say), I actually enjoy hearing the arguments of fanatical left-wing lecturers. The more vigorously they admonish any who disagree, the more their arguments sound hollow.

They can offer all sorts of statistics and graphs and quotes to prove that culturally enlightened North Koreans have a much higher standard of living than those evil capitalist conservative Swiss or that you're far more likely to be assaulted at night in Singapore than in London's east end, but in the end the truth is staring them in the face. That's why they rant so much. It's like they imagine they can somehow argue the truth away. Can you imagine Dave at Speakers Corner? Three confused Japanese tourists take some pictures of him then wander over to see the Queen.

Dave is entertainment.

Jimbo - nervous breakdown?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:02 am
by David Johnson
First of all the post you have made here. Is the nearest I have seen to someone having a nervous breakdown on a forum

Your main point is
" am a member of Trip Advisor. I travel alot and I post my, "Subjective opinions" on various hotels and restuarants. I am permitted to do this AS A RIGHT! Trip Advisor does not feel that they must question and make me qualify every detail of my review. For example, I might say, "The So & So restaurant serves, in my opinion, the worst food in France!" Trip Advisor doesn't send someone to interrogate or correct this opinion Why? because it is a "Subjective opinion!" It is MY opinion and I have a RIGHT to have that opinion. Someone else may say the restuarant is brilliant, that is their business. I have no right to bludgeon an explanation out of them and I have no right to insult or rubbish their opinion."

This has absolutely no connection with how you operate on this forum. For example, if you say "restaurant owns the worst food in France", if someone then posts "I eat at this restaurant and I really enjoyed the food" do you Jimbo then go on a rambling, incoherent, reply like

"You are a a politically correct, Nazi, Communist eater blah blah for paragraph after paragraph simply because someone disagrees. No you don't because Trip Advisor would soon take the line "this guy is a loony and he is insulting posters merely for disagreeing with him.

The reason being is that many people treat the term Nazi as an insult. Why? because they have actually had relations killed by the fuckers and they dont like to see people like you using the term like an ignorant, self obsessed, four year old in a nursery.


Please rewrite the FAQs on the forum, Jimbo

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:15 am
by David Johnson
You are obviously not happy Jimbo with the FAQs, namely 3.7.1

Anyone who disagrees with you, you treat with utter contempt. You do this in one of two ways.

1. Totally ignoring their post when the poster replies to you and disagrees in any kind of way, polite or otherwise. For example, the following people such as Andy in Handiwork, Turanhosting, OEJ, randyandy, myself, Bob Singleton, Sam Slater, Frank Thring have all questioned posts you have made and you show utter disrespect by not bothering to make any effort at all to respond. Isn't that what a forum is about? Someone starts a thread. A reply is made and the original poster responds etc?

2. The other way you deal with people who disagree with you is insults. Tactic 1 seems to discourage the vast majority of people bothering to respond to your posts so there has been a great drop off in the number of posters. The exception seems to be me who responds to you, which drives you bonkers and results in endless, boring, repetitive insults from you of the politically correct, Nazi, Communist kind, torture camp etc etc. which seems to be symptomatic of a kind of early onset Alzheimers.

If you want to carry on operating as you do in 1 and 2 above, then rewrite the FAQs and people can decide for themselves whether they want to be insulted purely for questioning people that you agree with or having the temerity to disagree with you.

There should be no room for the Thought Police on this forum Jimbo.


Poisoned poet/Jimbo

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:18 am
by David Johnson
"well said, i used to read these forums a lot but any posts that has "his" name in i now avoid. seems he has to argue with someone."

Has Jimbo been on another forum trying to get support for himself? He did that about 4 months ago when he got fed up with people disagreeing him. He went to another forum and tried to get as many people as he could to come back on this forum and attack people who disagreed with him.

I can see Poisoned Poet that with a total of 1 post you are perhaps not the most prolific poster on this forum?



Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:49 am
by David Johnson
"I actually enjoy hearing the arguments of fanatical left-wing lecturers"

Left wing? I thought I was a New Labour storm trooper according to Jimbo? If you accused Tony Blair of being left wing you could get done for slander.

"They can offer all sorts of statistics and graphs and quotes"

Yeah, I suppose it is so much easier to have banal, reflex action prejudices which aren't backed up with anything.

"Dave is entertainment."

Thanks for that Deano, I will try to get a gig with Bruce Forsyth or Simon Cowell. I can do with the dosh.
