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Great news for UK justice!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:54 pm
by jimslip
As I have often argued, New Labour was slowly but surely introducing a police state into this country. They had created a climate in which the police could do anything they liked and in fact did so. This is well demonstrated the fact that as far as I am aware no policeman during the whole 13 years of New Labour was ever prosecuted for anything whatsoever! Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Today, I was astonished to hear that the G20 cop who had barged Ian Tomlinson to the ground two years ago and ended up killing him, IS TO BE CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER, I nearly fainted with shock!!! A cop being held accountable for his actions? it's unheard of! In the original case, (Under New Labour) a crooked, incompetent, pathologist was hauled in, to announce that Tomlinson had died not as a result of the push, but of natural causes, "Quel surprise!"

I think this case shows the first cracks in the Police State, that New Labour were building, including the regulation of CCTV etc etc. I know there are those that hate the Tories, but personally, I think all things considered, at least the Tories are not particularly interested in creating a PC dictatorship, which I truly believe New Labour were doing, maybe even inadvertently.

I think if New Labour were in power this prosecution would not be taking place.

Anyway, it's a good day for a free society, when the President of a police Federation says about the Tories, "This government hates us!" lol

Re: Great news for UK justice!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:00 pm
by randyandy


Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:16 pm
by David Johnson
"This is well demonstrated the fact that as far as I am aware no policeman during the whole 13 years of New Labour was ever prosecuted for anything whatsoever! Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong."

"Today, I was astonished to hear that the G20 cop who had barged Ian Tomlinson to the ground two years ago and ended up killing him, IS TO BE CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER, I nearly fainted with shock!!!"

It's Jackanory with Jimbo! Stop shuffling at tbe back children, Jimbo is going to tell you a fairy story.

Bless him!



Re: David "Machine gun" Johnson

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:57 pm
by jimslip
So I take it from your rather flippant and dismissive response, calling my thread, "A fairy story" you support and welcome the brutal killing of an innocent, old drunk, by an arse hole cop, David? Furthermore, you condone the cop's actions being covered up by corruption at the highest levels of the New Labour ruling elite? It would appear that your sense of "Justice" is totally influenced by who's in power at the time. So for you, under New Labour, Tomlinson was lawfully killed, but if the Tories had been in power I presume you would have run around the streets sceaming hysterically, "Come and see the brutal murdering Tories see how they kill and murder the inocent!"

You should be capable of having a concept of what is "Right" and what is "Wrong" without guidance from a political party, David!!

So what about this, I know the official reasons for gunning this guy down and again I presume you support the police running amok with weapons under any pretext.......Oh, as long as it happens whilst we are under New Labour rule.

I'd love to see you tell his family it was a "Fairy story" that no poilceman was even chastised after this event for perhap's being a little, "Trigger happy?"

Re: David "Machine gun" Johnson

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:02 pm
by jimslip
Oh here's the clip of the cop pushing poor old Tomlinson over, maybe the cop said that he thought Tomlinson was a Tory? I wonder if that was his excuse and this was why the NL big wigs fixed it so that he got off???

Re: David "Machine gun" Johnson

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:05 pm
by number 6
If you really think the tories are on the side of poor sods like the guy who was killed you are off your rocker Jimslip.


Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:35 pm
by David Johnson
1. Read your posts in the thread.
2. Think about the difference between facts and a rant.
3. I won't respond to your rants. They are too boring.
4. Include some facts to support your rants in your posts for this thread.
5. Then I will respond to your post.

Until then !drink!, !drink!, !drink!, !drink!, !drink!


As a starter for 10, James

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:46 pm
by David Johnson
Just to get the old grey matter turning over re. the subject of the difference between a rant and a fact, Jimbo.

" think this case shows the first cracks in the Police State, that New Labour were building"

Given that the Tory led government has been in power for a year, please let me and the forumites who hang on your every word, know exactly which laws of the New Labour Police State have been repealed?

Because I am a kind, generous chap, I will start you off with this fantastic coalition achievement.

1. In the case of control orders, they replaced curfews with overnight residency requirements.

I will leave you to add 2. to 20.



Re: Great news for UK justice!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:19 pm
by Gator
If I were Jim, I wouldn't post here. Everyone is mean to him.

Simon Harwood needs to do hard time for this. A bastard on a power trip, like most cops.

Re: Great news for UK justice!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:56 am
by Deano!
Just curious - do people here think that those with a tendency towards bullying are attracted to the police force, or is it the nature of police work and the whole culture that turns some of them that way.

I know most coppers are fine most of the time but I know too many perfectly reasonable people who've had really bad experiences with a few police. It seems that some cops grow to regard 'everyone else' with suspicion.