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Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:17 pm
by max_tranmere
I am puzzled why Twitter has taken off like it has, but then people are like sheep and just follow. I use both but on Facebook you can put up loads of photos, where as with Twitter you can put up just one photo and have to link to others in your writings lower down. On Facebook you can type as much as you want, on Twitter you have very limited amount of room for what you want to say. There is also this thing where the person has to be following you (not enough that you are following them) for your message to appear. With Facebook, if you message someone and they add you as a friend, your messages appear on their page and their messages appear on your page. Twitter is more complicated. I don't really know why it took off like it did and has every famous person, media outlet, and so on, using it. I think Facebook is a lot better and much more user-friendly. Twitter is a poor man's Facebook and only has these differnces (all of them negative ones in my opinion) just to be original and not like Facebook. Peoples opinions please...

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:28 pm
by randyandy
Max you've already had this conversation on your thread about Poppy.

Twitter is what it is and you really need to learn how to use it or stop using it if it makes you so frustrated.

I personally can't stand facebook because of all the crap (sorry invites) you get sent from friends playing stupid things like farmville or whatever its called but if people like to use it then its their choice.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:41 pm
by max_tranmere
I mentioned some of this on that thread yes, but I've gone into wider detail, and comparisons with Facebbok, here. I will keep using it but I think Facebook is better, and I use that a lot too. I wonder what the next 'thing' will be that will become trendy that we will all be encouraged to use. There are bound to have been many others that people have tried to make big but they never took off. Something new will though, in the next year or two.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:01 pm
by Meatus
I have to admit i have both & i do find Facebook to be preferable for keeping in touch with people you are close to. Like you've already mentioned Max, you can load up all your photo's and document when they were and who is in them with you. You can keep in touch with all your friends easier. And you can put down your biography, likes, dislikes, tastes join groups etc. And as you said anyone who is your friend will see all the messages you post.

Twitter is preferable for posting short "Tweets" - messages about what you are doing or were you are. If you are out somewhere or on the move you can just log on and let people know without being sidetracked. Where i think it feels though is what you quite rightly pointed out, that no matter if you follow someone, if they don't follow you then they cannot see what you are saying. Unless you send them a "tweet" which essentially they can ignore. And you cannot message them privately unless they are following you to. Obviously the answer to this is, get as many followers as possible. But most of the people i know have Facebook but not Twitter, so it limits my followers, so the only other alternatives are 1) following famous people & trying to get them to follow you - which isn't very likely they will or 2) follow random people and get them to follow you - but isn't that very creepy & needy? The alternative though is you feel all your great tweets aren't being seen by anybody.

But again with Twitter it is more private & you are less likely to be "stalked" by nutters checking all your posts, looking at your information or looking at your photos! Again i think it just comes down to a personal preference.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:27 pm
by one eyed jack
Twitters great because you have to keep it short and sweet and it updates your facebook status without you having to be on it.

I thought twitter was used more for what you are doing now rather than some long diatribe.

I dont think its complicated at all.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:38 pm
by max_tranmere
If someone has just a sentence to say, to a pal and you mutually follow each other, then Twitter is sufficient. I prefer Facebook overall though, you can do so much more.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:41 pm
by max_tranmere
If you link the two, and have your Twitter page update your Facebook page, then that is a plus. I've never linked the two though. I would imagine most people use both - they therefore regard each as having its advantages and don't see either one as the overall best one to use.

Re: Twitter v Facebook...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:03 pm
by Floydoid
I gave up with Facebook when I realised the only sane person on there was Jim Slip.

Much prefer Twitter.