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Losing weight and sitting on your balls...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:25 pm
by Snow Patrol
I recently lost a LOT of weight. I was 16.5 st, I am now 11.5

When I sit down, I find I sit on my balls and it creates a whoopee cushion noise...

Any else lost weight and found the same thing?


Re: Losing weight and sitting on your balls...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:34 pm
by Sam Slater
Do you mind - I'm eating.

Re: oh.......

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:37 pm
by Sam Slater
Well done, by the way!

We could have called you 'Snow 'ball' Patrol'. A bit late now.

Re: Losing weight and sitting on your balls...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:32 pm
by RoddersUK
You lost a quarter of your weight?
How the fuck did you manage that without chopping yer legs off?
I'm 15.12 and I would love to be 12.8 again.
Please tell us all how you did it and how long it took.

How I did it... (Pics - NOT of my balls!)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:52 pm
by Snow Patrol

So this is me (Age 41) Xmas 2009 16.5 St 46 inch waist


This is me last Xmas 12 Stone 31 inch waist


As Of Feb 14th 2011, I weighed in at 11.5 stone. I havent weighed again since then.

Pre guessing questions I will be asked, the answers are...

Q) Cant you afford new clothes?
A) Yes, I can afford new clothes - I simply put the same shorts on for the 2nd photo...

Q) Are you sucking your gut in on the second photo?
A) A little bit, but NOT to make me appear slimmer. Its because I have a lot of loose flesh still, from where my belly deflated.

Q) Did you eat a fancy diet of special foods n stuff?
A) No ! I still ate what ever I wanted. Chinese Take aways, chips sausages, beans, bread, pot noodles etc etc... I ate whatever I wanted, but in moderation (SMALL PORTIONS)

Q) Did you stop eating or drinking ANYTHING specifically?
A) Yes. I stopped drinking - and I dont add sugar to drinks.

Q) Did you join a gym and work out all the time?
A) No. I have not even been inside a gym for over 5 years!

Q) What is your 'target weight'?
A) I would like to be 10 stone

So, aside from that, how did I do it??? Well, the truth is actually quite uninteresting...

I simply ate less - and moved more.
I bought a treadmill and put it infront of the tv in the spare room, and walked on it 3 times a day, for twenty mins a time.

And thats it really. Just eating in moderation, and WALKING (Not running) on a treadmill, 1 hour a day...


Re: How I did it... (Pics - NOT of my balls!)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:56 pm
by Snow Patrol
It appears the 'before' pic disappeared from my post above.
Here it is again. Dunno why that happened...


Re: How I did it... (Pics - NOT of my balls!)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:18 pm
by rgb

A few years ago I managed to get from 16.5 stone to 13.5 by setting myself a target of 1500 (k)calories a day. I got myself a little book listing all the calorific values of various foods and kept a note every day of my intake - stopping when I got to 1500. The killer is the alcohol - if you can stop that it's easy. 2 pints of decent strength bitter was a third of my daily calory allowance!

Re: How I did it... (Pics - NOT of my balls!)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:07 pm
by Snow Patrol
Yeah, thats kinda what I do.. I roughly know how many calories are in an item of food...

Pot Noodle 500
Small bar Dairy Milk choc 200
Shepard pie from co-op 400

I just try and mentally stay under 2000 a day. If I go over, I eat less the next day. But I dont really work it out exactly or write down what I eat...

But congrats to you as well :)

Re: How I did it... (Pics - NOT of my balls!)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:22 pm
by phil5
Wow - well done guys, I'm impressed.
This is exactly what I need to do (nearly 15 stone and should be 13). It's goods news about the booze though - I stopped for a couple of weeks recently after a dental op and was surprised how easy it was. You get to think a lot more clearly too.
Well done again :-)