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Marina's Gang Bang

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 7:50 am
by Andrew Jones
where is this available from

Re: Marina's Gang Bang

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 7:56 am
by alec
Wish I knew.

Re: Marina's Gang Bang

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 5:25 pm
by Artful Alex
If you're referring to the one where Marina Curran has sex with lots of Sunday Sport readers (not exactly studs!) I have a copy. It's only 45 minutes long and she doesn't actually have sex with 250 men as she was supposed to have done, but we do get to see her take on about fifty blokes of various shapes and sizes. The 'fluffers' are a lot sexier in my opinion - even the getting-on-a-bit Sandra Lester, who really seems to enjoy herself.

I have a few other films too, including an American one that has Marina taking it up the jacksee. Send a message to my yahoo address if you fancy doing a deal of some sort.

Re: Marina's Gang Bang

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 7:32 pm
by alec
As I recall the claim was 365 (not only from the catalogue I had and the video itself but this figure was also mentioned in her scene with Tom Byron in the other video you mention - Cumback Pussy 10), but from distant memory I agree that 50 is a more realistic estimate, though who was checking out the males? Condoms used, no cumshots. Sian Evans and Lisa Stretton among the fluffers along with Sandie Lester and both Sandie and Lisa 'accommodate' one of the 'studs' each as well.

Re: Marina's Gang Bang

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 12:47 am
by Callipygea
When you get it, why not submit a short review to the BGAFD site? I am sure I am not the only one who would appreciate it.