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A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agencies

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:34 pm
by jubilee
Hi, I'm thinking about booking a porn star through a well-known escort agency (I won't name the star or the agency on here) but would like to be 100% certain it's who I think it is before I part with my cash. So, if the rules of this forum allow it I'd like to ask if anyone who has used or uses escort agencies and who may have booked the star in question if it would be okay if I could email them privately and ask a few questions so I can be sure once and for all if the girl and agency are genuine and won't rip me off. Many thanks in advance.

Or if someone can recomend a free escort agency review forum where I can post an unabridged version of this question without it infringing the site rules, I'd be grateful.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:47 pm
by Ned
Punternet should be able to help.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:01 pm
by Meatus
i would suggest going to Adultwork and seeing if the Escort has her own Adultwork page. If she is on there and you contact her she would appear genuine.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:02 pm
by jubilee
I've tried there and there are whole treads with mixed messages; some, from clients, saying the girl used to escort but doesn't any more and the agency is using her name and photo to con punters; other threads state that she never did (which is untrue as the News of the World exposed her and her sister when she was 18 back in '97 as escorts and there is the internet video the surfaced about 5 years ago and was a hot topic on this forum at the time and still continues to be so occasionally) and finally there are those threads which state that she continues to be escorting behind her husbands back and that the agency is well run and high respected.
A couple of days ago I emailed the agency asking when she was next available and asking her rates, they replied that she was available now and also gave her rates which tallied with those given on Punternet. I then asked when she was available until (as according to the latest post her Facebook page she went in on Friday to have a breast enlargement having previously had a breast reduction when she retired in '04, she's also posted a video on YouTube about her forthcoming operation) and received the reply "When did you want to book her?" as yet I haven't got a reply to my email, posted to the agency just before I started this topic, "As soon as she's recovered from her operation". Weather I will or not get one remains to be seen. I suppose if I don't my question will be answered and I'll know for certain that the girls photo is a fake and the agency is conning punters.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:04 pm
by jubilee
I've looked on Adultwork and she's not listed on there under her own name or any alias.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:22 pm
by Meatus
i'm pretty sure she is not escorting, though i could be wrong. I know people have met her in the past, but if she is escorting again you will pay a hell of a price.

Good luck, i hope you don't get conned.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:28 am
by Ned
Oh, her... can't help you. As far as I'm aware she packed it in ages ago

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:46 pm
by jubilee
Thank you gentlemen for your replies I appreciate them.
Still no reply from the agency to my last email maybe I've rumbled them and they're not such a reputable agency as first thought, and won't get a reply. Do you think I should email again asking for an exact date when she'll be back working for them following her breast enlargement operation? I wonder if her boob job means she's thinking of coming out of retirment in the not to distant future and may go back into escorting?
I've noticed that the girl in question is listed as a friend on the agencies Twitter account but the agency is not listed on hers. Obviously she maintains a link with her past even if she's not escorting at the moment.
Meatus, can I just ask do you know what the people you know who saw her when she was definately escorting thought of her? Did they consider her money well spent? Also has she only used one agency or was she on the books of several? And finally do you think she'll ever escort again?
From what I can make out she seems to have escorted when she was between relationships and her last known time was round about 2004 just before she married and retired. Would you agree?
For a mad five minutes I toyed with the idea of emailing the girl and asking discreetly if she still "modelled" for the agency but then thought better of it as it might land me in a whole lot of trouble.
Story of my life really all ways missing the boat. I would loved to have been one of her clients. Oh well c'est la vie!
Thank you once again and I'll keep you posted on any developments.

PS. Any suggestions you might have as to how I can find out the truth of the matter will be welcomed.

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:55 pm
by belfast_birty
There was a time-not long ago-when any mention of porn star/escort agency was binned.Have times changed? Are we entitled to know from the Mods?

Re: A Few Questions About Porn Stars & Escort Agen

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:30 pm
by Meatus
From what i can tell from past conversations was that she was with one agency. And the money spent was very expensive. Though i have absolutely no concrete proof that anybody actually met her. They all seemed genuine and have no reason to lie.

2 of them were very critical of her and complained it was not money well spent for the price. And they complained about actual performance techniques which i won't go into here that they were unhappy about. But again have no proof this is true. 1 guy i know was absolutely raving about her. Though he was a huge fan and maybe this clouded his judgement. Or maybe she was that good.

As far as i can tell its interaction between client and escort and maybe there was none with the other guys? Who knows?

And again i have no concrete proof that she is not back doing it. But i'd strongly suggest she is not. But then again she may well be. And i did hear rumours, but where do these rumours come from?