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Jon Venables

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:03 pm
by Essex Lad
So Jon Venables gets two years for possessing child porn - a fifth of the sentence he could have received.

He was also shielded from everyone in court apart from the judge for his "safety".

I am sure our resident legal eagle David Johnson will be able to help but Venables was out on licence: with the gravity of this offence added to the murder for which he was convicted in November 1993 should he not be jailed for the rest of his life?

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:36 pm
by davey

little cunt should be beaten to death ,but i have no doubt someone will come on here saying how we should understand the cunt and he needs treatment and help etc

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:02 am
by steve56
Yeah davey cunt of the highest order should never been released

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:07 am
by nikonman
It would be interesting to know how much Venables has cost the British taxpayer in his lifetime.

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:45 am
by Jonesy
nikonman wrote:

> It would be interesting to know how much Venables has cost the
> British taxpayer in his lifetime.

Well, one way or another, we'd end up funding him if he were a law-abiding citizen, poncing benefits like most Scousers do!

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:41 am
by Fatally Yours

> Well, one way or another, we'd end up funding him if he were a
> law-abiding citizen, poncing benefits like most Scousers do!

They do?

Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:37 pm
by David Johnson
"I am sure our resident legal eagle David Johnson will be able to help"

Johnson of the Bailey here. Apologies for not replying earlier but I have been saying hello to a remarkably fine bottle of claret.

My dear chap, my understanding of the legal position is:

Mr Justice Bean, a dear colleague of mine (we both went to Marlborough together) said as he was still on licence for the murder of James, he would not be automatically released on serving half his two-year term, for the matter of the child pornography.

The Parole Board will decide when he is released. They could detain him for longer than the two-year term, although this is thought to be unlikely from the word doing the rounds in Chambers.

As we know Venables has previous. In September 2008 he was arrested on suspicion of affray after he and another man became involved in a drunken street fight. He was given a formal warning by the probation service about breaching the good behaviour expected of him as a condition of his licence. Later the same year he was cautioned for possession of cocaine after he was found with a small amount of the class A drug, which was said to be for personal use.

After his latest crime, Venables was also put on the sex offenders' register for 10 years and banned from working with kids.

Of course whether he should morally be banged up for the rest of his life is entirely different from the legal position. Since when did morality have anything to do with the law?

Have to powder my wig, now. I have a pressing appointment with Cynthia, a "friend" of mine.

Kind Regards

Re: Jon Venables

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:39 pm
by Dick Moby
He's an evil bastard. Two fathoms of rope, one knot, and a short drop. Job done and we've saved us (the taxpayer) a lot of money.

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:51 pm
by Essex Lad
David Johnson wrote:

> "I am sure our resident legal eagle David Johnson will be able
> to help"
> Johnson of the Bailey here. Apologies for not replying earlier
> but I have been saying hello to a remarkably fine bottle of
> claret.

Thank you. I knew we could rely on you.

> Have to powder my wig, now. I have a pressing appointment with
> Cynthia, a "friend" of mine.
She knows, y'know*

*And if you get that reference I will be even more impressed.

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:34 am
by David Johnson
I said
"Have to powder my wig, now. I have a pressing appointment with
>Cynthia, a "friend" of mine."

You said
"She knows, y'know*

*And if you get that reference I will be even more impressed."

Ah yes, dear Essex lad, the blessed Hilda Baker. As for my Cynthia, there is nothing dodgy about her, I can personally vouch for that.

Not on your Nelly.
