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Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 8:00 pm
by Crick N. Watson
Good Evening , Gentlemen,
Over the past months I've noticed that an upsetting number of girls in the adult video scene are having these silly silicone implants, to 'enhance' their figure. Some of these false figures work reasonably well - still unreal looking - but not daft. Others on the other hand, are obviously false, and do nothing whatsoever to enhance the appearance of the model. This I find is a shame, since some of these models who have paid(or have had paid for them)a large some of money to have a bag of fluid inserted into their femimine form were very attractive before hand..... and who now look utterly stupid.
What I'm suggesting is that we compile a list of Girls with Stupid Silicone Tits...... of those who would have been better off not having their boobs done.
Might I propose..... not in any special order....
1) Chloe Klein
2) Nikki Sterling
3) Georgette Neale
4) Teresa May
5) Tamsin-wha-ever-she-calls-herself-now le Vann
6) ..... your suggestions please!!!!!
Best wishes,
Crick N. Watson
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 9:43 pm
by Big Jim
Why are you putting together a list of girls with boob jobs? And what will you do with information once compiled? Perhaps you are an alien and you know that silicon enhanced breasts will stop your plans for invading Earth!
Seriously though, I don't think there is a need to play the 'name and shame' game. A lot of girls in the biz have a boob job to enhance their self esteem and body image, they either have had a complex about their boob size or just simply want to improve the shape of their breasts. Of course, you coming along and saying 'look at her, she's got crap tits' will hardly enhance their self worth.
I suppose that once you have compiled the booby list, you could then move onto mouths, hairstyles, fannys, etc. until you are left with the perfect woman. The girls that don't match up will of course be put on special trains and taken to camps where they will not be allowed to breed. Then and only then will you be able to start your race of homo superior porno starlets.
Just to make sure though, I think you should send in a picture of yourself in the nuddy to show everyone just how fantastically good looking you are. That way when you make arbitrary remarks about women, we know that you are speaking the ultimate truth.
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 6:00 am
by Phil McC
Speaking as someone who has had a varied sellection of these tities bounced up on down on my face and dick I would have to add they feel great.
Phil McC NEWS AT 69
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 9:52 am
by Ned
Silly silicone = Americans. Check out the likes of Wendy Whoppers, Minka, Crystal Storm, Lisa Lipps etc for truly daft tits.
She's O/T on this forum, but the best big busted lass, who as far as I know is all-natural, is Dakota Kelly. Don't know much about her video work (if any) but she has tits to die for and a face to match.
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:38 am
by Matt
Re: Comments regarding self worth and stuff.
Totally tricky one this, imho. This is a business that thrives on girls looking good and being attractive (if you can look past our very own Layla Jade who is no doubt a smashing girl, but wouldn't be in my top ten of best lookers)
It wouldn't surprise me if lack of self esteem is what drives a significant percentage of performers to perform. Think of all the attention and the adulation from fans!
Occassionally you get someone who seems totally immune to the whole self-image thing and is there for very different reasons (Chloe Nicole, anyone?) but I think self-esteem and self-worth must play a big part (though admittedly not the whole) in someone's decision to enter an industry like this...
...any thoughts?
(who also reserves the right to be wrong)
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 12:43 pm
by woodgnome
could it be that their self worth is sometimes worn down by the attitudes of moralisers/psychologisers, who make a special example/case of them, at every opportunity?
how many people become accountants because of low self esteem - entering a non personality led profession, where they can hide behind figures? then again - who cares?
if society stopped denigrating women whose sexuality is an overt part of their personality/work/lifestyle, etc then i don't think we would feel any need to make a 'special case' out of problems they might have as individuals.
and maybe we could devote a bit more time to worrying about all the unhappy accountants out there, poor sods!
Re: Silly silcone Girlies......Hi Woodgnome
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 1:22 pm
by Ned
Big boobs equals cash, especially in the US market. A well done boob job can be a good thing in my book, but those awful coconut jobs with dark scars..... The guys who do those should be shot.
Hi Woodgnome. Nice to see you are still about : )
Re: Silly silcone Girlies......Hi Woodgnome
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 3:21 pm
by Callipygea
I agree that there is no point in naming and shaming; personaaly I feel sorry for the girls who have paid a lot and ended up looking terrible.
However, we do need to alert girls to the dangers of boob jobs - they never improve the girl's looks, they can be dangerous, they often need to be redone. Also, girls need to understand that self-esteem is nothing to do with the size of your boobs, and everything to do with what you are as a person. So, for this reason too, boob jobs don't work.
Re: Silly silcone Girlies......Hi Woodgnome
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 4:47 pm
by joe king
Beverlee hills, Patti Plenty. i like their boobs.
Re: Silly silcone Girlies........
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 5:29 pm
by John
I'm not aware of any video work by Dakota Kelly but she does appear on Danni's Hard Drive
and she has/had a website at