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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 7:54 am
by cheekymonkey
Does anyone know if Seymore Books or Millenium Video in Soho are rip-off joints or not as they have quite a few Ben Dover including the new one and I want to know if you really get what you pay for.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 9:29 am
by Leftfield
Seymore Books is a bit erratic - get the impression they have about half of the videos they claim they stock but probably varies. Bought 2 Ben Dover vids - got lucky once and screwed the second time.
Pays your money and takes your chance - I'd use Your Choice to be honest.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 1:29 pm
by David J
Little Amsterdam in Brewer Street stocks quite a few BD titles, and I have found them reliable (so far, anyway).
They also stock several of the 'Decadent Divas' series, including the one with Felicity aka Leeanne McQueen and Layla-Jade, if anyone is interested.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 2:04 pm
by Markie
Am I being dumb here? Apart from the relatively narrow choice, and the fact that lots of the profits go to David "I've got a license for a little adult channel" "What, a channel for little adults?" "Yeah" Sullivan, what's wrong with the licensed shops? In Soho's Original Bookstore - the other side of Madame Jo-Jos from Little Amsterdam - tapes are totally kosher and are only twenty quid, or ten if you take back one of your old ones after having duped it. The same goes for that weird sex superstore that's just opened opposite Centre Point, and that has no Sunday Sport connections at all.
Seriously, am I missing something really obvious? Please explain. Because if there's more to this than meets the eye, I'll go back to Little Amsterdam next time...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 2:46 pm
by David J
It depends what you're interested in. I'm mainly interested in US vids, especially interracial, and the choice of US vids licensed at R18 is still extremely limited. I suppose it will gradually improve, but if it costs at least ?1000 to license a vid (as someone has said in this Forum), I'm not holding my breath.
I dunno if things are any better for connoisseurs of Brit and Euro porn, but if I wanted a Ben Dover vid, I would be reluctant to pay full-price for half-length, which is what the 'official' R18 releases seem to be.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 3:07 pm
by Ian P
Up until two years ago, when I got fed up, I used to buy from Seymour Books. But the bloke behind the counter clearly thought his customers were gruesome perverts, hated his job even more and got his jollies from shouting out the title of your choice to the rest of the shop in an attempt to embarrass you. Fair enough, I guess.
But when I started finding I?d just bought a completly blank tape I took my business elsewhere. (To Hollywood Video just across the street.)
Then I discovered this site ? and have bought strictly mail order ever since.
Thank you all once again Phil, Alec, and Co.
Re:R18 Ben Dover vids
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 6:59 am
by Ben
Ok guys, I was badly advised in the beginning. From now on all Ben Dover vids are full length US versions, available from LICENCED sex shops. Cheers BEN