Obama the Warmonger.....

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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Robches »

The Nobel Peace Prize was a complete fucking joke.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Iran is next, they will no doubt invent a story that Iran has space stations with mega weapons focused on schools and churches all over America.
Johnnyboy 22
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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

we all know Iraq was a joke and should never of happened, but Afgahnistan is different, make no bones about it if al queda was to get a nuclear weapon do u think they wouldnt fire it at Britain. This is a fight for our own freedom for our way of life and to me thats worth fighting for.
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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Zorro »

To be fair Obama was extremely embarrassed by the prize

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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by johnlewis »

the Nobel Peace Price always was a fucking joke..just remember that Henry Kissinger got it too!!

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Kissinger got it for shagging though!!
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Re: Obama the Warmonger.....

Post by Deano! »

...and he was a good kisser too.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH