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BNP Supporters

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:06 pm
by Jacques
Dear BNP Supporters

I would like to Congratulate you upon getting Nick Griffin on Question Time tonight! I sincerely hope you do not do something stupid and go and spoil this enormous publicity coup for the BNP by doing something as silly denouncing the leadership of our armed forces as traitors and war criminals and then to save face by claiming you were joking like the well-known stand-up comedians that you are.

I personally abhor that fact that the BNP are asked to take part in a serious political discussion programme, rather than a smaller relevant political party or independent MP, but I would be a massive hypocrite if I did not stand up and be counted to defend your right to freedom of speech, just as you should defend mine.

Many BNP members claim they can trace their patriotic English roots back the best part of a thousand years. I'm pleased for you. No, really I am. But I can trace both of our sets of ancestors back to the Cambrian explosion of circa 580 million years ago, the main difference being that the IQ on your side has actually declined somewhat over the millennia.

I bet it really pains you all when you pass the bucket round at your BNP Adolf-Karaoke nights to see all those lovely crisp five pound notes, knowing that the reverse features images of noted anti-slavery campaigners in the company of lefty gruniad reading Elizabeth Fry.

I must also point out that your glorious leader has in fact left our green and pleasant land and emigrated to a farm in Wales. Has he bothered learning the indigenous language?

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Nick Griffin the very best of luck tonight. But please do remember, that the heckling, barracking and insults you'll be getting are not some huge lefty Zionist Islamic plot to destroy your party. It's because everybody knows you're a national disgrace.



Re: BNP Supporters

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:25 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
It will be interesting to see how Griffin fairs this evening. Strangely the talk in our office today, a fairly left wing third sector organisation was all about QT. Thing is most of the opinions were pro him being on the show, so he can be ripped. However our New Zealand born Mr Straw and faux Welsh Mr Hain may not be up to the task. Oh for the reincarnation of Robin Day.

I hate to point out that the recent rise of the far right has been under the current Republican Party aka Nu Labor. They were a real minority under the Tories and the recent selling out of our beloved nation to Europe and Mr Bush has been great for BNP recruiting sergeants.

Re: BNP Supporters

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:30 pm
by max_tranmere
I remember watching the Question Time special last year when Boris Johnson, Ken Livingstone, and Brian Paddick (the Lib Dem guy) were debating, and trying to encourage people to vote for them in upcoming London Mayoral Election. As well as blowing their own trumpets they were constantly slagging off the BNP as they were afraid the BNP would gain ground in that election.

A black couple in the audience (I don't generally refer to people by their colour but it is very relevant to this point I am making) said at one point that rather than continually vilifying the absent BNP 'why not get the BNP to come on the programme then we can find out what they really think'. And this was people who would be described as 'ethnic-minority' saying this.

Re: BNP Supporters

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:07 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]A very stupid long essay.....[/quote]

An Now that's stupid.

[quote].....which could have been a lot shorter.[/quote]

Or your attention span longer.

porn historian

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:14 pm
by David Johnson
Porn Historian,
Jacques said
"I must also point out that your glorious leader has in fact left our green and pleasant land and emigrated to a farm in Wales. Has he bothered learning the indigenous language?"

Porn Historian quote "By mentioning the fact that Nick Griffin now lives in Wales are you seriously under the impression that the BRITISH national party is for the English only.Wales is part of the British Isles the last i heard.As is Scotland and Northern Ireland.If you are going to leave long winded and frankly boring posts please get your facts right"

You completely miss the point Mr Historian, the phrase "green and pleasant land" is taken from William Blake's Jerusalem and refers to England's green and pleasant land.

Jacques' point, unless I am mistaken, is that Griffin who was born in England has left to live in Wales where Welsh is very widely spoken and in many parts is the main language used. He poses the question as to whether he has learnt to speak Welsh to help integrate into his new country, when he and his party so frequently berates immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants, who come to England and dont learn to speak English.

Hope you have got it, now.
