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Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:00 am
by Sarah Kelly
I ask as my local surgery say to see your Doc and get an appointment,you need call between the hours of 8am and 8.30am.....ONLY.... the thing is, from the minute i ring till 830am,its constantly engaged...... And at 8.31 when you can get through,its to be told"all the appointments are gone,try tomorrow".... You guessed it-Between the hours of 8 to 830am!!furious!..... This would be laughable if it wasnt for the fact i hardly ever ring the Doctors but Exactly the same thing happened last year when i needed referring to hospital,after seeing the Doctor! If your a young fit type with a dose of flu,thats one thing-But how awefull for the elderly or those with young children ....................... Anyone else experience this ... or do you just ring up,get through and get seen?

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:26 am
by Peter
Its because of government targets, you can't make an appointment for a few days in advance, as that would screw up their targets of everyone has to see a doctor within 24 or 48 hours (can't remember what it is exactly)

Therefore, if you can only make an appointment for the same day you ring up, everyone gets seen within 24 hours, target met, budget secured for next year.

Never mind the scores of ill people who can't get an appointment, they don't count for the purposes of statistics, so they don't matter.

Just fiddling the figures to get the desired results, like the old Russian nail factory did.

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:46 am
by Sarah Kelly
Well,its bloody ridiculous and its the elderly/seriously ill that suffer worse for it! Ive totally given up on trying,prefering to get the extra sleep and then going to the Chemist...... My Doc is brill tho,just cant ever get an appointment!

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:14 am
by Fatally Yours
same here, I needed an appointment a few weeks back. I was told the same, call 8-8:30. not once have i ever been able to get through. i ended up with a pre-booked appointment almost a month away, good job it wasn't too urgent.

Nothing new, I try to avoid my GP if possible and use the walk in center, seen there and then and bette level of care given.
They don't have targets, so your not out the door in 3 min.
GP's helped put an end to my promising sporting career and left me in agony for 6 years (seperate issues) all because of tagets (my oppinion anyway)

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:29 am
by Sarah Kelly
Im sorry to hear that....If you suffered depression after, maybe you should make an appointment to ......... (Sorry,couldnt help myself)....... What sport /injury,if you dont mind being asked....

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:49 am
by Sarah Kelly
Im sorry to hear that....If you suffered depression after, maybe you should make an appointment to ......... (Sorry,couldnt help myself)....... What sport /injury,if you dont mind being asked....

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:53 pm
by Nob3y
~Yep same thing here.

Some days my docs have an open morning or evening surgery.
It dont open till 9 am but people will start to que from 7.30am !!!
fucking madness.

Dont you also fucking hate it when you have say an 9.30 am slot booked but dont get in to see the doc till 10 am !!
whats the point of bookign a slot?

the sooner the gov make surgerys open in the evenings and weekends the better.

Re: Anybody ytried getting a Doctors appointment?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:30 pm
by SpannerProductions
Have to agree with Nob3y

The one thing that gets my goat, is booking an appointment for a certain time and then rushing about like a headless fucking chicken, trying to manovre 3 kids onto a bus, hoping that will actually turn up to start with - getting all the way to the surgery and then taking a bloody ticket and sitting around for as much as an hour till you get called in (or buzzed) ...

This is true, but sounds like a very old Benny hill sketch - but recently I was at the docs being told that he was running late due to an overdue offsite visit - and then he walks in with his golf bag (i kid you not) slung over his shoulder..............git.

Dont even start me on Dentists.....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:47 pm
by Sarah Kelly
o how you laughed after clubbing him.... x