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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 4:41 pm
by Ginger
I think Muttley (from Shagnasty and Muttley) may have his own video production company. Does anyone know if this is right and if he has a website or can be contacted?

Re: Muttley

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 5:49 pm
by alec
I think he is named as the producer of a few R18 videos - as Mark Matthews. Don't take that as gospel as it is only a guess, but it is another name to look for.

Re: Muttley

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 5:58 pm
by TM Video
His company is called Electric Eye. They had the commission for the last two years to film Erotica in London so you may want to start there for more info on them.

This is the info I have and if you could let them know TM Video Productions passed you the details I would appreciate it.

Electric Eye Productions Mr. Mark Matthews 01233 666606

Re: Muttley

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2001 10:16 am
by Daveyboy
He is the husband of Kerry Matthews

Re: Muttley

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2001 4:48 pm
by Ginger
Thanks very much!