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Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:07 pm
by max_tranmere
I am no big fan of Labour but they have done things in the last 12 years to help the less well-off in society, things like the Winter fuel allowance - and free TV licences - for pensioners, and a few other things. These are things the Tory's never considered doing. They also didnt lie their way into office like the Tories used to do - every promise Thatcher made before the 1987 Election she broke within a few months, so did John Major with the 1992 Election. The public realised they had been had almost straight away. The Tories regarded democracy as an inconvenience and there was nothing they wouldn't do, and no lies they wouldn't tell, to gain office. Labour have not been like that, and I commend them for it.

When Cameron and Osbourne win next year they will be there for their own power-trip and for their own ego's. Even if they are caring people that will be a secondary thing - both come from a long line of Tory Ministers and House Of Lords people and both are where they are because of those connections, not on merit. So two egotistical toffs, will become the two most powerful in the land because of who their relatives were rather than who they themselves were, and whose desire to be there is more because they long to have power, and not really because they have policies that would be beneficial to the nation.

I guarantee that within 6 months of them winning next year everyone will be saying 'this lot are no better than the last lot - where are all the improvements we expected?' Within a year people will be even more disillusioned. Everyone will feel let-down very quickly, as these two toffs with their Etonian accents and their powerful family connections, will continue to run the nation and do whatever they like, largely to satisfy themselves.

I think we have lots of disappointment ahead. And we'll have to listen to Osbourne and his whining land-gentry accent every day for the following 5 years. At some point Cameron will give him the Prime Minister-ship, like Blair did to Brown, without anyone in the country wanting him to be there, but he will just do it anyway. In a strange way I think I will miss Labour. These two champayne swigging, boating at the Henley Regatta, public school boys have little to offer.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:28 pm
by Guilbert
>The public realised they had been had almost straight away

Then why did they continue to elect Maggie in to office?

Was it because everyone remembered how bad it had been under Labour in the years before (Winter of discontent, Reb Robbo at British Leyland etc)

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:33 pm
by Guilbert
My biggest critisism of Blair / Brown and Labour in their term of office is almost totally abandoning our borders and allowing almost every tom dick and adbul in to the country.

When I walk down to my local high street nowadays I see many many people in their muslim headscarves, women in their burkhas, hear people on the phone talking polish or whatever.

10 years ago it was VERY rare to see this, now my high street is like a Iraq / East European street market.

I makes me want to cry to see how our country has been brought down to third world levels in such a short space of time.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:38 pm
by max_tranmere
They re-elected her in 1987 cos they trusted her on what she said and cos the Labour Party was in disarray. She then screwed everyone in the next few months. I agree the 70's were awful but that doesnt justify Thatcher tricking the country in 1987 into voting for her. The next Election was with a new PM - John Major. He bullshitted too and broke every promise soon after that Election. We would have done better to have elected Neil Kinnock in 1992.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:42 pm
by max_tranmere
I agree with that. I have lived in London all my life and it is very rare to have English-speaking neighbours in London now and you never hear English spoken on a bus anymore. There is nothing we can do either. The people in charge just do whatever they like - against the wishes of the people. This is why some people vote for the far-right, because they are the only people who care about this. I wouldn't ever vote for them though because of some of their other policies and views.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:07 pm
by colonel
If it wasn't for Polish pilots in the Battle of Britain, we would all be talking German now.

What short memories we have.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:48 pm
by number 6
If you are poor,you should be extremely worrried about Cameron and his mob,they will pull no punches to make your life a complete misery.

Re: Anyone afraid of a Conservative win next year?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:25 pm
by Dizzy
I most certainly do fear a Conservative (or any non-labour) win as anyone other than Labour will only make matters worse for all of us.

I've never voted for anything since the age I have been able to (local or national events) but this time I have to say I am seriously considering placing my ballot in favour of Labour.

I for one have watched and read a great deal around the current financial crisis most of which has convinced me that our current government is not to blame for the situation anymore than any other euro nation.

Having watched the Channel4 series about the history of the finance system and the current situation followed by the BBC series 'The Love Of Money' (which I strongly suggest people watch if thet can) I can safely say that I am well informed on the capabilities and actions of Gordon Brown and can tell you that he is very knowledgeable about global finances and the recent praise of his handling of the current financial crisis along with Alistair Darling has been nothing short of brilliant under the circumstances.

Knowing all that now it makes my blood boil to hear other parties MPs and spokespersons having a go at Brown as their accusations are, for want of a better phrase, complete bollocks and go to show that they, the commenting MPs etc., have no idea what they are talking about.

The thing that convinced me the most was the way in which during interviews for the BBC show Gordon Brown was so relaxed, open and knowledgable about every decision he has made in relation to the nations finances as well as show that he is extremely capable of getting involved in assisting other nations to best work together with them.

The final thing that convinced me more that anything else was Greenspan who has been the god of the finance system for the past 30 years said about Brown that he was very impressed with him and that even before he was Chancellor under Blaire (while shadow chancellor) he took it upon himself to investigate what he could do with Britains finances to make them work if\when he got the chance, consulting with Greenspan and other world finance experts many years before Labour where elected into power.


