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For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:36 am
by David Johnson
Mods, I include this message in the Promotion forum because the vast majority of Jeanie's posts have been on this forum where she has linked her Jeanie Foundation website to her modelling page.

First of all, I have absolutely no idea whether the Jeanie Foundation is legitimately run or not.

However, there are some concerns around the website,

These concerns are as follows:

First, under the Projects tab of her website, Jeanie mentions that there is an African school named after the Jeanie Foundation and there is a photograph above the relevant paragraph.
When saving the photograph as Welshmorph discovered and highlighted on the O/T Forum, it has a file name mbollet, the name of a village funded by a completely different charity.
See the thread for more info.
MP3 has written to this other charity to check if they are aware of support from the Jeanie Foundation and has also asked Jeanie to explain.
See the thread for more info.

Secondly, under the Home tab is a photograph of some kids with Jeanie Foundation School on a backdrop. As a photograph the text looks pretty weird but I would be delighted to see proof that this is an authentic, unretouched photograph e.g. the actual name of the village concerned, address etc.

Thirdly, despite responding to a modelling request in the same thread where Welshmorph, MP3, NaomiXXX and others raised genuine concerns, requesting answers, there has been absolutely no reply from Jeanie.

To repeat, I have no idea whether the Jeaniefoundation is legitimately run or not, but I do think that it is in Jeanie's own interest and those of all her contributors to respond to these concerns and not simply ignore them.

Kind Regards

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:17 am
by Annap
David you ve hit it on the nail ,

she wont respond or youll get a thanks for advice that all she says and i f i say anymore my thread will be taken off it already has cos i spoke my mind

ive responded on other forum ,

Anna P

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:12 am
by mp3
I'd don't know if I'd be more surprised to find out all is above board, or someone has actually donated to such a shady looking charity.

Porn and charity don't go together, full stop, whatever your intentions. It's almost insulting given the status of AIDS and unprotected sex in Africa that she thinks it's ok too.

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:48 am
by one eyed jack
Porn scams..Now thats new !sherlock!

Always had me confused what this Jeanie Foundation was all about.

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:07 am
by Fatally Yours
why is it listed as a regestered "not for proffit" company as opposed to a regestered charity?

For Fatally Yours

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:13 pm
by David Johnson
The fact that it is registered as a not for profit company as opposed to a charity is obviously for Jeanie to answer.

However, the law is very complex with regard to this and there are thousands of legit. companies doing valuable work via not for profit companies. My understanding is that the trustees of a charity are under very strict obligations laid down by the Charities Act and there is stricter supervisions with companies registered as a charity as opposed to a not for profit company. In return there may well be certain tax breaks when you are registered as a charity.

It is worth pointing out that in a not for profit company as with a company registered as a charity, wages can be taken. I repeat though I am no legal expert whatsoever.

Although you ask a valid question, I would not want to get this thread sidetracked into a legal discussion instead of the points raised about Jeanie's website - in particular the statements made and pictures used.


Re: For Fatally Yours

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:31 pm
by Tony0777

Why dont the mods just ban the advertising for this site until it can be proved as being kosher.

The whole thing is very "suspect " and no further ads by Jeanie should be allowed until then

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:03 pm

I was asked not to post on Promotions forum by Admin.

I have respected their wishes and have now e mailed asking what the position is with regard to posting.

If you wish to discuss any matters with me my e mail address is clearly shown.

I have had a number of contacts of a threatening nature and also, where this has happened, they have been temporary e mail addresses or through sites where no IP address is available.

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:12 pm
by mp3
That's all and well but based entirely on your forum posting I doubt very much whether you'd reply to any question forwarded to you by email. Which to be fair is probably why you've received the threatening emails lol, I wish to add not by me!

I just think you are sad, I wouldn't go so far as to threaten you.