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condom use

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:13 pm
by clare40dd
do you think porn should go with condoms ? surely being tested every month doesnt mean your std and aid free what if u slept with person night before and contracted something ?

also found this link ... ive_people

Re: condom use

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:15 pm
by clare40dd
also this

Re: condom use

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:56 pm
by jj
This has been done to death here.
If you take open-mouth cumshots, or any form of fluid-to-orifice
contact, or have any open cuts, you are at greater [albeit still
statistically small] risk. That's why firemen wear goggles.
Condoms are merely a net-curtain protection. You're more or less
as safe in vaginal sex with, or without. Anal's a whole different thing.

And before you ask, I helped to computer-image the original
molecular-map of HTLV III.

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:22 am
by steve56
its that condom moment

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:05 am
by one eyed jack
Cue the music from that Benson & Hedges advert oh so many years ago.

Clare the wauy i see it, the majority of porn fans dont care for condoms. Sharon Drake must be deluded if she thinks no one cares about it al they are interested in is seeing it going in...Come on Shaz i expected a better answer from someone who used to perform with gay and bi guys!!!

Yeah right...Its the equivalent of watching a special effect scene with the strings still left in. Its like watching a scene and still seeing a mic come into shot or the dolly tracks on the ground.

Condom use has its place in porn but not when big time porn stars are there to entertain you like movie stars. Except these movie stars are meant for you to wank to.

I would believe a gonzo producer actually picked up a girl off the street...If he wore a condom. And not one but two jimmy hats. Thats what I did once on an audition with a girl who came through the door with no tests.

I rubbered up twice for maximum effect man! That smeans I wore TWO condoms at the same time.

I was scared and horny what can i say

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:02 am
by hammer4life
condoms are genuinely a turn over amongst porn fans

I see no reason why a regulated industry handled with care can be as safe as working in mcdonalds or pizza hut

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:31 am
by planeterotica
Condoms will never be mainstream in porn as there will always be people willing to do porn bareback and that is what the punters want, sure any performer can insist on condoms being worn but they wont get the work and at the end of the day it comes down to a matter of choice, condom shoots and earn less money or bareback shoots and earn more money !pirate!

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:45 am
by one eyed jack
Yes I wonder if that would still be appealing if the industry went condom only and the producers reduced their pay rates to see if it works.

I wonder how many performers would actually support that idea then?

Its no point expecting the same money if the producer is going to risk their investment on it.

Personally I think sales would go through the floor and this isnt the time to risk that

Re: condom use

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:55 pm
by jj
one eyed jack wrote:
> Yeah right...Its the equivalent of watching a special effect
> scene with the strings still left in. Its like watching a scene
> and still seeing a mic come into shot or the dolly tracks on
> the ground.
I always see it as 'Thunderbirds' with the strings showing : -)

You've got the 'live experience' here, Terry- and I don't think
you're contradicting me.