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Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:19 am
by max_tranmere
I've just seen this on the news. I don't know how he got off, I mean they have film of him hitting the guy in the nightclub. Oh well, maybe with his money he was able to hire a top legal team to help get him off.

Re: Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:51 am
by one eyed jack
And I thought Johnny Cochran was dead.

Cant really comment really. Somethings are not always what they seem. Yeah he puinched the guy but he said it was in self defence.

Couldah shouldah wouldah...Who knows?

Re: Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:06 am
by Floydoid
The Winelake is not guilty too.

Re: Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:14 am
by Floydoid
Very true Reggie, she has a fine voice but no style, breeding or decorum. I wouldn't shag her if she was the last woman on the planet, and generally speaking I'm not that fussy.

Re: Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:25 am
by Floydoid
Nope wasn't me Reggie, as nice as Kirsty is, Kate Silverton and Becky Mantin are more my kind of ladies.

(and there's nothing wrong with a bit of meat on a girl)

Re: Gerrard found not guilty...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:45 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Money talks. One law for rich and one for rest of us.