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So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 3:45 pm
by Matt
I've tried the two UK ones (The Adult Channel + TVX) I started with TAC then moved onto TVX and now I'm back with TAC. I know I could probably get foreign channels out of my sister, but I haven't the time or the anarak-appeal to try doing it, besides - I love our home grown beauties
From what I can see, they are pretty much as good as each other (annoying though that on my ONdigital TVX starts at 12 not at 10pm like Sky) - offering usually very enjoyable UK made programmes and the occasionally worthwhile film (which you then of course look on the net to see if you can get a proper version of).
I have my own particular tastes which both channels dish out on an infrequent basis (but regularly enough to keep my subscribing) - I just wondered if anyone else has any thoughts.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 4:08 pm
by eric
I had tvx first and found it annoying that there was a "joining fee" and also a minimum of 12 months subscription. I've now got TAD and can leave anytime. As far as programming goes, they seem pretty similar, although from a personal point of view I prefer TAD.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 7:35 pm
by levo
what i would like two know is when r these channels going hardcore,as the laws have been relaxed when it comes two video,so when is it going two happen with the porn channels levo
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 8:26 pm
by Big Jim
All UK channels are governed by the ITC (Independent Television Commission) and not the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). Even if the BBFC were to allow full on hardcore action on normal 18 rated videos, the channels could not follow suit.
However, since the channels began the ITC has always been more lenient then the BBFC, allowing stronger material onto our television screens as compared to what was released on video at around the same time.
Both channels are trying to push the boundries of what can be shown to an adult subscription audience (those accidental slips of hardcore may not be as accidental as you think). But at the end of the day, they must comply with any ITC guideline / request / dictum, etc. Both channels want to keep the ITC onside as they have the power to take away a station's license to broadcast.
As for TVX vs. TAC, well I am very biased and would suggest that you subscribe to the Adult Channel as not only is it brilliant, but they also pay my wages. And while you're at it watch Labia: Warrior Princess, it's the mutts nuts - hey my first plug on the forum, who would have thought it.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 9:05 pm
by woodgnome
are you involved in the production of 'labia'? if so, could you say whether future series for tac will be made in h/c format as well as s/c, for r18 release.
viv thomas has done it with 'sandy - babe abroad' and apparently the new tac show - 'double o heaven' produced by 'big jim', will be put out in r18 format too.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 5:04 am
by Matt
I was intrested to note that on the 'recent decisions' section of the BBFC website, under 'video', Star Whores Episode 12 (which you produced, Big Jim) had to be cut by nearly 6 minutes to allow an 18 certificate.
There's no doubt that in a significant proportion of Adult Channel productions now, the sex is real - I guess they're all ready and waiting for the silly old laws to be done away with then they'll have a healthy archive of stuff to show.
Regards Labia, it started off brilliantly but has descended into cheesy dialogue and less wild sex then the first few episodes. In my humble opinion, of course.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 8:26 am
by Big Jim
Yes, the new series Double 'O' Heaven has been shot hard and soft, so you will get a chance to see all the lovely licking and penetration shots.
As for Labia having cheesy dialogue - it is the cheesiest, cheese which was ever came from Cheeshire and I offer no apology for my idiotic sense of humour. But it is nice to know that you are actually listening to the show and following the storylines. So rare in many productions.
As for the sex being less wild - I always try to include consensual spanking, pussy whipping, bondage, etc. in with my real G/G sex action to spice it up a little. Additionally I know TAC has had to make a lot of cuts because I always push things as hard as I can on the soft version.
Please keep those criticisms coming as I want to make the best show that I can.
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 1:36 pm
by Davideo
How about making an 'Educational' series, then you could show full penetration and ejaculation. Who decides whether a program is 'educational' or just for pleasure?
(ONrequest are currently showing the 'Lovers Guide' series uncut)
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 1:46 pm
by joe king
The 'educational' videos also have guidelines, like not too close(you don't get clear close-ups).
Re: So what cable channel do you go for?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 2:03 pm
by phil
With regards to hardcore on cable, it wont happen because cable channels can only show movies with the following certificates: U,PG,12,15,18, it states clearly in the ITC's programming code that R18 films are not permitted (which is where you'll find hardcore, but only in licensed 'sex shops'!).
All the material on the adult channel / tvx etc. has been classified to 18 certificate ('sex film') standards by the BBFC, where 'sex film' means basically it is a porno and wont be on sale in WHSmiths. Penetration and other stuff isnt allowed @ 18, neither are on screen erections as far as I remember, although the BBFC tend to be quite lenient sometimes with 'sex films' these days @ 18 which explains why you might get the odd glimpse of something decent, but don't expect full hardcore anytime soon, that is unless the Adult Channel and Desmond decide to take the ITC to court to force a change in the guidelines (which they could easily do and indeed achieve as a judge will laugh the ITC's restrictive programming code out of court), but dont expect this anytime soon either as the Adult Channel and TVX do a nice business of promising hardcore and delivering what they legally can show (all the softcore porners are guilty of this, the worst though is definatly Sullivan), and dont forget they benefit from the protection racket offered by the ITC and Chris Smith when they proscribe hardcore (foreign) satellite channels and put them out of business.
It's a nice setup, and neither will show R18's or breach their ITC license and take the ITC to court to force them to accept hardcore because they're pussy's, literally!