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Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:02 pm
by max_tranmere
Has anyone on here ever experienced any, or all, of the above in the form of an 'atttack'?

I have suffered from panic attacks from time to time for a long while, sometimes they get so bad it is like the world is ending. Other times extreme fear comes over me and you consider doing yourself in (you are sure you wont though as you know the feeling will pass and you just weather the storm) and anxiety can be so strong sometimes that you can't see or think straight and you wonder if you are you (if you've had it you'll know what I mean). With the extreme fear you often feel sick and the world feels very bleak.

Has anyone had this sort of thing go on, and do you know what is happening inside your head when it happens, and also what is the trigger for it to start? It is hideous when it comes on and you not only feel all the things I've outlined, you also feel your arms go weak, and afterwards you have a thick head (rather like a hangover). What is happening? Please share your experiences on here. I am keen for this to end and if I can understand it more I might help bring the episodes to an end. Thanks.

Re: Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:20 pm
by GG4U
I would think the worst thing for you - or anyone would be to have someone dictating to you,work-wise or relationship/friends -wise.Best probably doing your own thing and taking time out for yourself when and how you please.There's too many ignorant people who don't accept people for who they are.Be determined.

Re: Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:57 pm
by BobBee
See a counsiler or even a hypnotherapist. Usually panic attacks are caused by something or an incident in your past - maybe as youngster and something that doesn't stick out as a 'bad thing'.
I feel your pain as i suffered for a decade but can control them more now after hypnotherapy and knowing more about them.

Personlly i avoided medication as they only cover the problem up and don't cure the underlying problem.

I would also reccomend buying this book:
Panic Attacks: What They are, Why They Happen and What You Can Do About Them

Re: Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:52 pm
by mrmcfister
First point of call must be your GP.They will refer you to a mental health therapist.
You are not alone and to know more about the condition I suggest you google it. I read in the Mail on Monday I think that there are support charities .

Re: Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:58 pm
by randyandy

The biggest thing that helped me believe it or not was a book.

Panic Attacks by Christine Ingham ISBN number 0-7225-2698-9

Best money I ever spent and not a single drug involved.


Re: Serious post: dealing with anxiety, fear and panic

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:08 pm
by max_tranmere
Thanks for your comments, especially the ones wishing me all the best. I presently see someone about this and it has helped to a certain extent. What I can't stand is what I call 'demons' flying into my head from time to time which I think is a contributing part of this problem. We have all endured periods in our lives which we would do differently if we could turn the clock back and most of those things don't cause me problems when they enter my head. One or two of them do however.

I have never done anything bad in my life (genuinely), I have never taken drugs either. I would confess right now if ever I had. But periods I look back on which I view as a total waste of time, where I put up with shit in a hell-on-earth job, working for some wanker who just ruined my life for several years, when memories like that enter my head I feel I am starting to descend and there is little I can do about it. I can't stop those things entering my head - it can be a mention of something on a TV show, a song I hear over the PA in a pub, someone who has the same first name as the person I had the misfortune to know many years ago who messed me up, or whatever.

I could cope with having what the guy I see describes as "fleeting depressive episodes" but the fear is something I have only recently had to endure. It crosses your mind to end it all. I am sure I wont do that because I know the episode will pass, but it does cross your mind. It bugs me to think that nasty people I have known over the years, who I never even asked to meet (tossers who abused me in jobs during my adult life, etc) are there - very prominently there in my mind - and will be there tomorrow, the day after, the day after that, and so on. I can handle the memories and can handle (just about) the anxiety, but the fear is something else.

To be so terrified that you revert to being a kid in your own mind and want you mum to hold you is awful, but it is there. You feel like you are going to start screaming. You don't, and the fact you haven't on previous occasions means you are unlikely to do it this time either, but you feel you are so near to blowing a fuse inside your own head. I would just love to know how to reduce the fear. I am thinking of joining a 'panic attack support group' and may well read one or two of the books people have recommended. I am also intrigued as to how, after having anxiety and panic issues for ages now, the fear (and I mean real fear) now comes on when it never used to.