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Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:35 am
by max_tranmere
Has anyone ever had one of these? I mentioned a while ago on here, under a post entitled 'male issues, advice needed', that I have a pain down below. I've had it for a while now. Several people responded to that thread (thanks) and advised me. The problem is still there and the consultant now wants me to go to hopsital, be put-out under anesthetic, and this telescope put down my dick, into my bladder, and they have a look around.

Has anyone ever had this done? Apparently you have a bit of soreness and some blood in your piss for a while after. Anyone who knows anything about this I would be grateful if you could share your expericences. It sounds very painful but if you are under anesthetic you obviously wont feel anything - till afterwards. Can they discover what is wrong with you, if you had a blockage further up, or if it was to do with the prostate (which is of course up your arse), by doing this? Any info on this is appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:17 am
by Flat_Eric
Just thinking about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I can't speak from experience (nor would I particulary want to!). However - a mate of mine had it done a few years ago (turned out he had some small stones in his bladder that he eventually pissed out). Said it was a bit uncomfortable afterwards, but if they put you out it's not so much of an ordeal. Just the idea of it (shudder).

- Eric

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:57 pm
by max_tranmere
Hi Eric, I'm glad your pal just had minor discomfort then everything was sort of back to normal later. Having something as thick as a pencil, and more than one foot long, stuffed down your dick sounds horrific but a short period of pain will be worth it to get rid of the pain I currently have. I wont know of it at the time obviously as I'll be asleep.

Does anyone else have any experience of this or something similar to this, or do you know of someone whose had it done? All info about it is appreciated.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:32 pm
by wheeley
Hi Max,

I have had this done to me a few times, as I have a tumour on my one and only kidney.

I tend to piss blood for a few hours afterwards, but the trick is to drink plenty of fluids once your back on the ward.
You will either have a local or a genral anaesthetic and you should feel no pain.

As I am a paraplegic I am awake (sad bastard that I am) so I am able to watch the tube on the monitor, and crack a few jokes whilst laid there legs in strups, tackle blowing in the wind lol.

Once you give a clear sample, you will be allowed home. One thing though, if you are a smoker, make sure you dont have a fag until you are told you can, or you will find that you will be on the ward a lot longer.



Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:33 pm
by max_tranmere
Hi Wheeley, thanks for that. I was told by a professional than in very rare cases, and it is rare, the patient can't piss at all afterwards and has to have a cafiter fitted in order to pee. That is in 1 in 100 cases though so it is rare. Did you have the thing that is as thick as a pencil, and a foot long, shoved all the way down your dick and inside? Or was it something thinner. Please let me know.

You mentioned you were on the ward after, but I was told I will be able to go home more or less straight away and they will give me some pain kiilers as it is likely the pain will linger. Can you tell me what the pain is like? And also, if you know, can they establish whether the problem the patient has is to do with the prostate (because I think there is a chance this might be) by putting the camera down inside one's willy? Can they nail ANY problem to do with a pain in that area by doing this?

Any info from you, and from anyone else who may read this who may be knowledgeable, is most appreciated!

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:25 pm
by wheeley
Hi Max,

it's a bit diffrent in my case as I am paralised from the chest down (paraplegic).

I have a catheter in at all times, but through the wall of my bladder and not down my cock.

As too your fears of pain, all I can say is that the men I have talked too after the operation are pleased they have been through it. You will find that the silica tube they use is so well lubricated and your penis will accommodate it with no problem.

The problem of not being able to pee afterwards usaly occurs if they find anything in there that can be sorted out there and then. But this is only if the material was to get lodged in the ureather, but it is being washed as they cut or if as in most cases use a laser.

As to how far they can go, I do not know for certain. But with me they get up to the kidney it'self, or as far as the tumour last time, as it has started to grow blocking off the tube.

You should be home the same day, round here they like you to give a clear urine sample before letting you go. As to the pain, it's just common sense that they give you pain killers as no two people deal with pain the same. If you do get any pain, most say it seems to be sore as you pee afterwards, a little hotter feeling as it flows they say.



Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:51 pm
by Heidi Vincent
Hi Max,

My guy has had it done twice,he has a kydney cyst. The first time they put him out for it. The only dicomfort he felt was the first time that he passed water afterwards. However (heres the bit your not gonna like) the second time he went,they didn't put him out,it seems your there too long if they do. Anyway,this is how he described things to me.
He was laid out on the table with the two medics there. They had a large syringe that they said would sting a bit but was a local. He said it felt like half a pint of paint stripper. Then they started pushing, what looked like a Bunsen burner pipe, down his Japs eye. He reckoned that local must have been a placebo,if it wasn't he'd hate to think what it was like without it.
Just when he thought he couldn't take any more the medic said it would feel a little tender now as it narrowed when it went past the prostate. At this point he said if they'd been interogating him,he'd have told them all they needed to know.
They then pumped a couple litres of saline into his bladder. Then the camera went down. The best part was the test was all clear. The first time he passed water it was fine,don't be fooled its just saline. The second time you go its uric acid,then you know about it.
I saw his face when he walked out of the surgery,he wasn't happy.
This was just his experience,it may differ from guy to guy, but he's vowed if (God forbid) he needs it again that he'll make sure he's put out.

Good Luck !thumbsup!

Heidi V.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:57 pm
by max_tranmere
Wheely. Thanks a lot for that. Very helpful.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:03 pm
by max_tranmere
Heidi, thanks for that info. I am keen to be put out completely, rather than have a local. Although you mentioned that if they put you out completely you are there too long, and maybe they want to have quite a quick turnover as they are booked to do many of these things during that time period. I have been told I can have a general anaestetic, and be put out completely if I want, and I will opt for that. I'll double check though to ensure that is available and that time constaints won't mean one can't have one.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:05 am
by Flat_Eric
Max - hope it all goes well for you, mate.

Fingers (and legs!) crossed for you at this end. I think a general as opposed to a local is definitely the way to go for this procedure. So wise decision there. And I think the experiences of my mate and Heidi's bloke seem to confirm that. Seems that it makes all the difference.

Just remember that as unpleasant as it sounds, it's a fairly 'routine' procedure and it'll be worth any short-term discomfort for the peace of mind. Let us know when you get the all-clear.

- Eric