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Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:22 pm
by mrmcfister
It's probably been asked before but yesterday I heard some govt apologist admit that he as disappointed that the British public didn't really get it when a poll suggested that most wanted to leave Afghanistan to the locals.What a fucking arrogant twat?No.. botom line, we should get out before any more families lives are ruined by the knock oin the door of a senior offier to let the people inside know that their loved one has 'done his duty etc etc but perished'.This is a fucking mess and Pakistan has as many weirdos as its heroin rich neighbour.Over 150 have died in this shit hole and for what?It's a disgrace and I despair at the rank futility of it all.

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:48 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
Simple. America says jump and Blair said yes boss.
Iran is next unless Ulster kicks off.

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:51 am
by tomtr

I think this is mythical. Bush would have been twice as gung-ho if it wasn't for Blair's moderating influence.

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:41 am
by Arginald Valleywater
Saying Blair is moderate is akin to saying Cathy Barry enjoys a little bit of nookie.Most war-mongering British leader since the middle ages.

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:36 pm
by titluver
The talaban execute people with out trial, on hearsay, rumour etc, stone people to death, hang torture etc in front of women and children. it is the bottom of the pit, hell on earth. if you believe in anything at all it must be that this is against all human rights. off course the west is in the middle east for power, oil etc but this cyncal thinking is corrupt. Blair - i have much i disagree with him desite voting for him was no hitler, just really think about what hitler, stalin actually did. some of you talk like one football fan saying i hate the other because he wears another colour shirt!

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:13 pm
by belfast_birty
We seem to want to impose 'Democracy' on a tribal Afghan society.That does not work well,as has been proved elsewhere in The Middle East.If we are to have any military success in Afghanistan,we will need to up the number of troops.quantity/quality of equipment(particularly helicopters),that we send.However our politicians seem to be trying to prosecute this war,by streching our Forces to the limit.It simply will not work.

Re: Why the fuck are our boys & girls in Afghanistan?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:09 am
by Shiny Helmet
Reggie Perrin wrote:

> Oil pipeline to/from the Caspian.

Spot on Mr Perrin!