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Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:12 pm
by max_tranmere
All these 'celebs' who are opposing it would be the first to moan if airline travel was rationed - which it would be if they couldn't expand airports to keep up with demand - and they were told they could only fly a limited number of times each year. These people want to travel whenever they like and expect not to have to wait very long to get a flight to wherever they want to go. But at the same time they moan about what is required to facilitate that demand - namely expansion. It's like some fatty who demands he eats 10 huge meals a day, and expects to be able to, then moans about how it is wrong that the shelves in his local supermarket (where he shops) are bulging! What hypocrites these people are (Alistair Magowen and many others)!.

Re: Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:26 pm
by Hillfish
I saw a news report on the BBC news24 chanel last night regarding Frankfurt airport expanding with another runway which could potentially bypass the British airports with its increased traffic thereby placing our airports in a backwater.

One can't help but think that the third runway option is going to be built no matter who or what tries to get in the way just to prevent the backwater situation arrising.

Re: Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:43 pm
by Peter
max_tranmere wrote:

What hypocrites
> these people are (Alistair Magowen and many others)!.

And especially the greenies God, Al Gore, who bangs on about global warming, yet lives in a house so big that it uses 13 times the energy a family of his size would living in a normal house.

Magowen was on R2 yesterday and asked if he'd stopped flying, in a good old political sidestep, he said "I haven't flown for 2 years". So that'd be a no then.

Re: Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:49 pm
by jbomz3
A few years ago i was stood on a mates roof terrace , some suburb in london , camden i think , sunday afternoon , fucking right racket , planes everywhere "stacked-up" on one of the loops , and i mean close enough to see faces at the windows , who in the right mind wants that over a city ? Thank god i live out in the sticks in middle england .
Boris has the best idea , move the lot to the coast , same as the best airports in the world , out the fucking way .
Where do the get they'll loose out to other euro-land airports ? How does a uk airport compete with a frech/german/dutch airport ? If someones coming here do they think they go to paris and then walk over her ? Disicion makers really are fuck-wits !
As a red voter , i can't wait for the next election to vote Brown out , what a retard , didn't realise the 10p tax abolition would make people worse off , fancy standing on national tv and saying that . JJ .

Re: Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:19 pm
by JonnyHungwell
Personally I would never travel through Heathrow - it's a dump compared to Schipol and CDG. Never been through T5 and not likely to either.

Re: Hypocrisy over Heathrow's third runway...

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:37 pm
by Nob3y
So much for going green and all that bollocks.
Like I always say,saving the planet is fine but when theres big money to be made going green goes out the window.

I am now going to give up recycling anything and will carry on like we all used to do and say fuck it all.