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Card Fraud

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:53 pm
by jaybo
As anybody ever had anyone rip them off with debit/credit card fraud ?
A relative as been ripped off twice last wednesday , so they canceled their card , and then today they've had a phone call someones tried to use their card four times for ?1600 worth , no one will give them any details , one last week was for car insurance , they tried the same insurance company today . How do you take car insurance out for one name and address and want to pay for it with someone elses card details , where does the policy go ? . Is there away to find ou the details of who's behind it ? Cheers JJ .

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:02 pm
by Peter
I've had it done twice this year, both barclaycard (different numbers). I don't know how they got through the security checks, but they managed to change my home address, had a new card and pin sent to thier fake address, and went on a spree of about ?8000 before they got greedy and triggered a check, otherwise they had nearly ?50K to play with.

have to say Barclaycard were great about it though, had all the money re-credited within a few days, and just a couple of forms to fill.

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:09 pm
by jaybo
Yeah i think their with tsb , and they've been told they'll get their money re-credited , but they've cleared their account last week , and tried again today , i find it infuriating they can't give you details because of "data protection" , what about protecting the victim , instead of the criminal . JJ .

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:56 am
by steve56
I have a debit card still have to be careful though its OK using it on line so long as you delete evreything after eg delete browsing history

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:07 am
by JonnyHungwell
I can virtually guarantee you you'll never find out who committed the fraud because the police and card company can't be bothered to investigate so-called complex crimes - ones where they need to think. The card is stopped and that will be the end of it as far as the police are concerned, they just can't be bothered to investigate - probably goes down as a crime solved in their statistics, solved because it's not continuing!

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:26 am
by jaybo
Yeah , this was a debit card , a woman from tsb told her that evertime you make an online purchase wether it be through paypal or from an online store (ie argos , tesco) there's someone there to key in the transaction , i think that's wrong , i thought it was automated , this woman from tsb told them it's a manual system . Suprised tempcover haven't done anything , they know the card is flagged for fraud and the person has tried for more insurance and tempcover have done nothing , other than try to process it . JJ .

Re: Card Fraud

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:59 pm
by mynah
I have a credit card with a low limit I only use for on-line purchases. Hence hopefully if any attempt at fraudulent use it would be quickly picked up while I would not find my normal card was blocked / over limit in a shop, garage etc.