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Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:27 am
by Spanner
I am fed up of all the negative views on the lack of money in the porn industry. I agree we are moving into a recession but sex still sells. If people cannot afford to go out then they stay in and watch porn. If they can afford to go out then they buy DVD's and watch them at home. Each way the porn industry wins.

The UK market has always been bad as British people do not want to pay for porn. There is a lot of free porn on websites but this is just a taste of what you can access on pay per view sites. 30 USD per month is a stell compared to 60 USD per film or a doggy video off your mate you cannot see.

Instead of all the main players in the UK complaining about the lack of money, they should invest in changing Brits outlook on buying porn. Do what the US do and advertise the material. Suerly with all the reality shows on television people need something to watch at a cold lonely night???


Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:39 am
by andy at handiwork
I've said it before..etc but two things would definately help. First, the end to restrictions on where you can buy 18R material and secondly the relaxation of the prohibition on mail order in the UK. It would also help if we had a government of whatever persussion, that didn't, when it comes down to it, wish it could ban h/c porn altogether.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:13 pm
by Lucifer Sam
I've bought lots of dvds online, prefer it that way than go to a shop as theres more selection than a shop would be able to carry. I'm not so sure about the rules concerning mailorder but ive never had a problem with the law (touch wood!) Mind, I don't go in for weirdo stuff anyway and only ask them to send the disc and cover art so its not too obvious what the package is. I like quite a lot of Brit girls so I like to think I do my bit for the industry if it helps. I only use one of the movie sites just to see what a film is like if i'm thinking of getting it. It works that way for me as I'd rather own a dvd than sit at a computer watching a film. Its bad for my eyes to stay glued to a pc for a long time anyway. I'm sure theres a joke in there somewhere!

Can never see why in this day and age the authorities get so uptight about a bit of harmless porn anyway. Who cares? Not that many people get embarrassed about it anymore so whats the problem.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:36 pm
by andy at handiwork
It is illegal to sell 18R DVDs mail order in the UK, though not to have them sent from abroad it seems.
BTW, having your eyes glued to anything for any length of time is definately bad for them. !wink!

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:44 pm
by stevieq
What would help the British porn industry is to lower they're prices on DVDs.

Whats the average price for DVDs now ?15-30?

Imported DVDs are much cheaper, even with post & packaging.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:01 pm
by planeterotica
The trouble with porn these days it has become to accessible, porn is just a commodity the same as everything else and when the market becomes flooded the price comes down, i can remember in the early days of vhs pornos were changing hands for ?25.00, a lot of money back then and in fact i still have an old vhs tape in its original box with the soho price tag of ?30.00, but with the coming of dvds when films could easily be mass copied the price tumbled and combine this with the internet it means a producer has to sell a lot more to make less, it is probably more profitable for producers these days to bootleg their own films rather than try and sell them through the legal channels !sad!

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:31 pm
by beutelwolf
There is also the problem that British porn trade has a certain rip-off tradition that harks back to the not-so-distant days when things were illegal anyway.

I remember once (in the mid-1990s) asking for a particular film in a Soho sex shop (which they had on display). The guy went into his storeroom and returned with a tape which turned out to be a cheap compilation tape onto which he had quickly scribbled the name of the film - just to make a sale.

Needless to say, I never went back there. Or to any other sex-shop in Britain. I import.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:43 pm
by mrmcfister
People who sell porn are basically rip off merchants and have been since the early 70s.The blokes who run Bham City are prime examples.It's pathetic that this country is so behind the times in it's attitude towards sex but can you imagine Gordon settling down to watch anything harder than Carry On Doctor.It will change but gradually at the margins.30 years will see porn available in the High Street and hopefully sooner.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:38 pm
by number 6
Not sure id want porn openly on sale in wh smiths where kids can see it. Whats wrong with keeping porn to sex shops? Out of the reach and sight of kids

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:39 pm
by number 6
When i say porn i mean hardcore porn of course.