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The very latest Ben Dover Vid "This End Up&qu

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2001 6:07 am
by Jay
Hi, Hope you don't mind me posting this bit of news, but the very latest Ben Dover videos are available now with fast, safe UK dispatch..
"Cheek Mates" with a Liz Hurley lookalike and "This End Up." All copied from PAL Betacam SP for the very best quality.
There is even a little clip (20 secs - 1.44 Mb) of Melissa and Michelle from This End Up on the item page. It takes between 1 minute and 8 minutes to download depending on your connection.

Re: The very latest Ben Dover Vid "This End U

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2001 6:43 am
by crevice
As favoured Perry supplier,why do you not have the full back
cat.available like those Jolly Rodgers Your Scene ?

Re: The latest Ben Dover Vid "This End Up&quo

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2001 4:26 am
by Jay
Good question. It's because we won't pirate them! All our stuff is supplied by the producer, in this case the early stuff had already been sold. "Other people" bought a few from him (when they got caught by him) and just jolly well rodger the rest.
We couldn't stand by our guarantees if we just copied them from VHS (PAL or NTSC)